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WINNING? AZ man dead from taking chloroquine after he and his wife watched T-rump tout it on TV

A man from Pheonix is dead and his wife is in critical condition after taking chloroquine phosphate in an apparent attempt to self-medicate for the novel coronavirus. His wife said they took it after watching T-rump tout it as a remedy during a press conference. The couple is in their 60s.

In an interview with NBC news, the wife said they learned of chloroquine's connection to coronavirus during a President Donald Trump news conference, which "was on a lot actually." They took it because they "were afraid of getting sick," she said.

"I had (the substance) in the house because I used to have koi fish," she told the network. "I saw it sitting on the back shelf and thought, 'Hey, isn't that the stuff they're talking about on TV?'"

T-rump has been promoting the substance, but the FDA has not approved it, and not recommending it.

One online aquarium retailer, which was sold out of "the wonder drug" Tuesday, included in its terms of use that customers agree to use chloroquine "ONLY in the treatment and maintenance of ornamental fish. ... We agree not to intentionally divert these chemicals for any other use."



Trump has a lot of blood on his hands with his irresponsible behavior.

Trump should be arrested for promoting it.

Expect his followers to defend him, again.


Imagine if this was Hillary or Obama - they'd be lynched today.


Hillary and Obama wouldn't be giving dangerous "medical" advice. And I don't believe Democrats are as ignorant. as Trump's cult.


True on both accounts!


No blood spilled. Only his based followers are doing it and the ignorant. Trump is doing the world a favor as well as wiping out his based followers if not siphoning their wallets. All good news I say. No I don't wish anyone dead, they do it themselves since I don't have the power to make them do it. >_>


Has T-rump mentioned this poor man and his wife at all in any pressers this week? Is this couple in is 'thoughts and prayers' ?


If a millenial liberal did this because Sanders mentioned it, we’d see it plastered on every corner of the interwebs and on Fox. But boomer conservatives did it because Trump said so? *tumbleweeds*



This is why dogdump doesn't provide links. Not only can't he think for himself, but he has to obfuscate the facts in order to skew the story to fit his idiotic narrative.

Who in their right minds would take something from an AQUARIUM store as medication? I mean how stupid is that?

Look at the idiots, komrade keelai and burningsun not question a thing and take dogdump's skews narrative as is.

As Obi-Wan Kenobi said, "Who's more foolish? The fool or the one that follows one?"



I heard the interview in which the wife said she took the chloroquine because she believed what Trump had said about it being a cure. Not only was it the wrong type of chloroquine, but the couple overdosed by taking 5x the dosage.


Anyone who is stupid enough to "self-medicate" is responsible for what happens to them. How is it Trump's fault?


Because trump talks without any filter. He thinks he's an authority on whatever passes through his thick skull. I don't necessarily blame him over this story, but it's indicative of how much power this guy has and he doesn't know how to use it judiciously. He's the picture of a loose cannon, a dumbass fumbling through one moment to the next just to stoke his ego.


The "haters" are looking to blame Trump for ANYTHING. It makes them feel good, especially Doggie Dump -- so blind with hate that he can't see straight (and has no credibility).

People have to take responsibility for themselves. Next, they'll be blaming Trump for the weather! 🙄 It all gets pretty old.


I take it back. He IS responsible. No one in their right mind says half the crap trump says. He's supposed to be a leader, and this is what happens. Same with the Ukraine flight. He orders an assassination without any planning and 176 people end up dead because of it. Moron !


The Iranian's shooting down a passenger jet is Trump's fault? So then it was Clinton's fault for 9/11 and the USS Cole since he pissed off Al Qaeda, yes?

What about a son that kills his dad? It's the dad's fault because he practiced tough love at home, right?

Damn! You dems are such snowflakes! You take no responsibility for your own actions and yet blame others for your problems and issues. You're not a goon, snepts. That label was too good for you. You're just a whiny snowflake. That's a much more appropriate label for you.


T-rump is indeed responsible. He has a cult of such ignorant, gullible idiots (look at Gubbio's post) who will do anything he says because he's their savior. It's so sad to see them be so desperate in their dead-end lives.


Trump Derangement Syndrome.....


You realize it's his followers who have tDS right? They are in thrall with an incompetent charlatan, like it's a big joke on the rest of us. Thinking this oaf is a leader is truly the meaning of derangement.


Thank you snowflake for your petulant, I know you are but what am I retort. Now go back to the sandbox and play.


Well, seeing how they followed his exact words to the tee, good for them. No sane person let alone a democrat would follow it for sure. The good thing is it's culling the idiots in general out there so the virus is doing some good at least. Darwinism at its finest. Sadly it isn't culling the #YOLO SPRING BREAK YA'LL.




Hmm to update the story a bit:
CNN on the Phoenix couple: It does not appear they took the pharmaceutical version of the drug, but rather "an additive commonly used at aquariums to clean fish tanks," Banner Health said in a statement.

A case of people being stupid.


More proof that Trump supporters are gullible and stupid.


Since T-rump didn't specify which one to take, they took the one to clean aquariums - which was in her cabinet. Notice T-rump and the republicans are ignoring this tragedy? But hey - the guy was in his 60s, so he gave up his life 'for the economy'.


So more supporters of President Dumbass will die? I don't see the problem...


He may have been dumber than even you.

Who with any common sense would think that taking fish tank cleaner is a good idea?


Who with any common sense would think that taking fish tank cleaner is a good idea?

T-rumptards, who else ?


CHRIS STIGALL:If you’re a doctor listening to me right now and a patient with coronavirus feels like they want to try [Chloroquine] and you’re their doctor, you’re not Anthony Fauci the guy running the coronavirus task force, would you say ‘alright, we’ll give it a whirl’?
DR. ANTHONY FAUCI: Yeah, of course, particularly if people have no other option. You want to give them hope. In fact, for physicians in this country, these drugs are approved drugs for other reasons. They’re anti-malaria drugs and they’re drugs against certain autoimmune diseases, like lupus. Physicians throughout the country can prescribe that in an off-label way. Which means they can write it for something it was not originally approved for. People do that all the time, and it really is an individual choice between the physician and his or her patient as to whether or not they want to do that.


So you're equating T-rump's advice to his T-rumptards to take Chloroquine to prevent COVID19 with that of a physician consulting his patient ?

How nuts are you people?

And thank you to Chris Stigall of conservative radio station Philadelphia’s AM 990 The Answer Radio, brought to us by conservative blog Breitbart News. Looks like elcamino forgot to link to his sources, which pisses of Shitman27 to no end.
