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WINNING? AZ man dead from taking chloroquine after he and his wife watched T-rump tout it on TV

A man from Pheonix is dead and his wife is in critical condition after taking chloroquine phosphate in an apparent attempt to self-medicate for the novel coronavirus. His wife said they took it after watching T-rump tout it as a remedy during a press conference. The couple is in their 60s.

In an interview with NBC news, the wife said they learned of chloroquine's connection to coronavirus during a President Donald Trump news conference, which "was on a lot actually." They took it because they "were afraid of getting sick," she said.

"I had (the substance) in the house because I used to have koi fish," she told the network. "I saw it sitting on the back shelf and thought, 'Hey, isn't that the stuff they're talking about on TV?'"

T-rump has been promoting the substance, but the FDA has not approved it, and not recommending it.

One online aquarium retailer, which was sold out of "the wonder drug" Tuesday, included in its terms of use that customers agree to use chloroquine "ONLY in the treatment and maintenance of ornamental fish. ... We agree not to intentionally divert these chemicals for any other use."



I can't believe they lived into their 60's. Probably voted for Trump too.


Of course they voted for T-rump! I doubt they voted for Hillary and then took T-rump's advice to take chloroquine. Stupid is as stupid does.


A wee bit late, but I just saw your post. Yet again you are incorrect. I recalled something I read about this couple when as you say “Stupid is as stupid does”. They were, now she is, strong DEMOCRATS! Yep! Have to agree with you “Sometimes ya just can’t fix stupid!” Here goes..I gotcha again!

“The Arizona woman who said that she and her 68-year-old husband ingested a substance used to clean fish tanks after hearing President Donald Trump tout chloroquine as a cure for the coronavirus has given thousands of dollars to Democratic groups and candidates over the last two years.

The woman's most recent donations, in late February, were to a Democratic PAC, the 314 Action Fund, that bills itself as the "pro-science resistance" and has vocally criticized the Trump administration's response to the coronavirus pandemic and held up her case to slam the White House.“

“Federal Election Commission records show that Wanda has donated thousands of dollars to Democratic electoral groups and candidates over the past two years, including Hillary Clinton, the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, and EMILY's List, a group that aims to elect pro-choice female candidates.“

“Wanda does not appear to have a long history of political donations, according to FEC reports. Her contributions to Democrats rose sharply over the past few years. Her first recorded political donation was $150 to Hillary Clinton in 2016, according to FEC records. The next year she gave $550 to the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee. Since 2018, she has contributed approximately $6,000 to Democratic electoral groups.“


"[–] Doggiedaddy (16054) a month ago
Of course they voted for T-rump! I doubt they voted for Hillary and then took T-rump's advice to take chloroquine. Stupid is as stupid does."



Not Trump voters! Too ignorant! Strong Democrats!


Well this didn't age well did it, doggie? Tsk tsk tsk.

The dumb Democrat woman is being investigated for MURDERING her husband!
Also tried to blame our president because she's blinded by her hate.

This will go down as another one of your "bombshell" threads that didn't age well at all. Between your boy Jussie Smollett, The Covington kids, this crazy Democrat woman murdering her husband and trying to pin it on Trump, etc....

Don't worry. Another fake story is right around the corner, I'm sure. You and your ilk will all fall for it again. You're very predictable that way.


This has aged very well. It's just that you haven't gotten any smarter since it was posted.

The woman is being investigated for 'murder' because she's the one who found the tank cleaner in the cabinet and gave it to herself and her husband. Police are following protocol and doing their due diligence to see if this was a premeditated murder. Let's see if any charges come out of this investigation - which there won't be. Not when they look at the timeline and see they took the poison minutes after T-rump suggested it on TV.


What will your reaction be if she's arrested?


I don’t know. I can’t predict my reaction to something which has not happened.


How would the timeline matter? If she wanted an opening to kill her husband, then saw the MSM freaking about how people will die because of what Trump said, she might've thought it was her chance to do it.


If she wanted to kill her husband on purpose, she didn’t have to do it how and when she did.


I think Daggerboard is just saying that an evil opportunity where many would believe her story dropped in her lap. Kill 2 birds with one stone, so to speak.

Dagger, you can correct me if I'm wrong.


Interesting - investigators will certainly have to prove that as a fact if they want to take the next step and arrest her (and the DA would have to agree to their findings). Do you think they will ?


If they're thorough enough and she actually is guilty.

Time will tell.


You must be the most gullible moron there is when it comes to liberal media propaganda.


Thanks! This means a lot knowing it comes from an inbred, slack jawed red neck!


Isnt a prescription needed?

Isnt the stuff sold in a pharmacy very different then what a fish store sells?

What was the prescribed amount ?

But its trumps fault mentioning a drug given to lupus patients for years.

Ask rita Wilson who took it. She said after given the drug her fever broke, but she says it may have just. Been coincidence as well.


Yes you need a prescription for Hydroxychloroquine.
What they took was Koi fish tank cleaner.
After her husband died, she tried to blame the president and said “don’t believe anything that the President says and his people because they don’t know what they’re talking about.”

Yes, according to the left EVERYTHING is Trump's fault. Got indigestion? Trump's fault. Got a hangnail? Trump's fault. Flat tire? Trump's fault.
Not only is everything Trump's fault these days. His supporters are dragged into it now too.

Rita Wilson took the medication, not the fish tank cleaner which is not for consumption.


When my hemorrhoid acts up again...I’ll shout from the rooftop...It’s Trump’s fault!🤬


👍🏻 Good one!
