Crapshoot's Replies

Not a Communist. I just think people like Ben Shapiro are complete dorks whose opinions shouldn’t be taken seriously. The man is a failed Hollywood screenwriter who loves shilling for wars in the Middle East, yet he never bothered enlisting himself during the War on Terror, despite having been the perfect age to do so. It sounds more like they’re annoyed by all the right-wing losers who are trying to use the movie as ammo for their dumb culture war. Apparently Cameron made the conscious decision not to oversaturate the Avatar universe with merchandise and spin-offs before making any of the sequels were released, because he wants it to feel more fresh and special. BvS was the sequel. If that’s woke, I don’t know how you’re going to respond to the fact that there’s a gay Latina teenage superhero in this movie. The Colorado shooter wasn’t inspired by the Joker. That was debunked years ago. The fact that people are trying to claim that this movie is woke goes to show that the people who rant about this shit don’t understand what they’re complaining about. If anything, this movie was a half-assed attempt at satirizing “woke” Gen Z influencers. She’s black in the DC Superhero Girls cartoon as well. It’s set in a post-Flash version of the DCEU, where Michael Keaton is the new Batman. That’s all we know right now. For the record, Trinity isn’t “The One.” The movie establishes that she and Neo share a special connection that makes them powerful, and that they both need each other. The movie never suggests that Trinity is better than Neo, and he’s still the main character. The general absurdity and edginess of the topic. Threads like this sure do take me back to when the old IMDb message boards were still around. Depends on what you mean by “woke.” J. Jonah Jameson in this movie is a not-so subtle dig at Alex Jones, and Electro has a conversation with a certain character at one point about how he hopes there’s a black Spider-Man somewhere in the multiverse. Unless the main character of this movie is transgender, your comparison falls flat. This movie seems to be getting pretty good audience scores from the people who have seen it. You used the 50s setting to try and make a point about how it doesn’t make sense for there to be a trans character in the story. I’m just pointing out that transgender people weren’t unheard of back then. For the record, transgender people did exist back in the 1950s. Am I missing something? How was he blaming Garner for his drinking problem? He said that he and Garner were in a mutually unhappy marriage. That doesn’t quite read to me like him blaming her. He also said that she’s a “good mom,” but people seem to be ignoring that.