MovieChat Forums > Top Gun: Maverick (2022) Discussion > Vanity Fair is melting down over Maveric...

Vanity Fair is melting down over Maverick success, LMAO!


"Conservative media figures are hailing the blockbuster as a patriotic, anti-“woke” display of militarism and masculinity.

With the Memorial Day weekend release of Top Gun: Maverick, conservative pundits have taken the culture war to the skies, hailing the blockbuster as a patriotic, anti-“woke” display of militarism and masculinity. They have also cited its record-breaking box office performance—grossing $160.5 million domestically over the long weekend—as proof that the public is on their side.

The long-awaited sequel picks up more than three decades after the original, with Pete “Maverick” Mitchell, played by Tom Cruise, being called on to train a squadron of elite U.S. Navy pilots for a bombing run on a “rogue” state’s uranium enrichment plant. At no point in the film are questions raised about why the U.S. is bombing this other country, which, by going unnamed, has led to a media guessing game. The climax sees Cruise take off from a U.S. Pacific Fleet aircraft carrier while flying a F/A-18E Super Hornet. Dazzling displays of aerial combat ensue.

Aside from the Defense Department propaganda inherent to most of Hollywood’s military-themed creations, the film is not overtly political in a way that is recognizable to Americans who have grown accustomed to Air Force flyovers at the Super Bowl and World Series. In many regards, Top Gun: Maverick feels like a product of the ’80s—a decade that saw the U.S. invading countries like Grenada and Panama while also in the throes of the Cold War with Russia. And like the original 1986 movie, it is an exhilarating, beautifully produced military recruitment ad that favors neither Republican nor Democratic sensibilities. It manages to portray a conflict over nuclear weapons as downright fun.

This has led many conservatives to project their own cultural aspirations onto the film. “It’s very patriotic, the film. I mean, the military is a bunch of good-looking young people who are going out to defend the country…and the international order,” said Ben Shapiro in a recent review of the film. “That’s awesome.” Shapiro, a conservative podcast host, then praised the filmmakers for not “treating the military as either victims of mental health problems or people who are victimized by the evil American regime, or as imperialists themselves, or as corrupt, or as terrible.”

Despite acknowledging that he had not seen the film, Breitbart columnist John Nolte preemptively lauded Top Gun: Maverick as a “masculine, pro-American, stridently non-woke blockbuster,” adding, “Rather than apologize for being an ’80s ‘relic,’ it embraced what everyone loved in 1986 and still loves today.” While citing a number of Hollywood’s “woke flops,” Nolte wrote that Top Gun: Maverick avoided that fate by “respect[ing] human nature” and eschewing progressive commentary. “It didn’t do what James Bond did—turn itself into a mewling little pajama boy gerbil of a movie,” he added. “It didn’t do what Star Wars did and pervert a romantic adventure series into a shrill Womyn’s Studies lecture.”

Top Gun: Maverick is the latest Hollywood production that commentators on the right have portrayed as a culture-war victory. Over the past year, conservatives have celebrated the success of Yellowstone, a drama that revolves around a Montana ranching family, and inexplicably tied the show’s high ratings to its supposed “real America” themes—namely, its rural setting and Kevin Costner’s role as a traditionally strong patriarch. “The show isn’t woke. It isn’t trying to lecture anyone about everything that is wrong with our culture,” wrote Meghan McCain in a January op-ed. “It doesn’t portray the elitist perspective of coastal television writers and where they think America should be going.” (Yellowstone is not exactly a straightforward conservative vehicle, though, as it recounts the U.S. government’s attempt to sterilize Indigenous women, features far-right, anti-government antagonists, and touches on cultural appropriation and racism.)"


Woke has become the new code name for being a complete loser.


It sounds more like they’re annoyed by all the right-wing losers who are trying to use the movie as ammo for their dumb culture war.


Shut up, Communist loser.


Not a Communist. I just think people like Ben Shapiro are complete dorks whose opinions shouldn’t be taken seriously. The man is a failed Hollywood screenwriter who loves shilling for wars in the Middle East, yet he never bothered enlisting himself during the War on Terror, despite having been the perfect age to do so.


What makes you say you're not a communist?


I’m fine with private ownership.


are you sure?


Real conservatives don't respect Ben Shapiro. You seem to have the exact pre-conceived notion of what a 'conservative' is that the MSM tells you. And that's not an insult, it's just the way it is. The boob tube has tremendous influence.


Odd how they see being patriotic means you are "conservative". They are not the same thing.


Yes, it's very telling that being patriotic triggers Vanity Fair so much.


Leftists hate America and its flag.


I appreciate you used the term "leftists" instead of "liberals", because modern democrats are the exact opposite of liberals, who value personal freedom. Modern democrats support authoritarianism.




I do distinguish between the two, although I think that many Leftists will claim they're liberal when they're really not. And the term "liberal" is probably inextricably linked to the Democratic party.

True liberals today--I don't know how many there even are--are basically centrist conservatives on the modern political scale.




I'm a right winger and I don't have any love for this country nor its flag. Neither thing represents an ideal that I believe in. There used to be some substance to the American Flag and the idea of America, but now both things represent degeneracy, corruption and perversion, and general evil incarnate.


I can't imagine why you would regard yourself as a right-winger then. I think American conservatism and patriotism, and love for the principles the country was founded upon, are inseparable.


I do not harness blind loyalty to a country that is assaulting our basic human rights and our god given rights enshrined in the Bill of Rights. America of old is dead, it is now the Evil Empire.


I guess the way I see it is that the flag will always stand for what America was founded upon, regardless of what the current administration is doing. I don't let politicians in the 21st century define America.


Originally posted by PrimeMinisterX:

Leftists hate America and its flag.

Have you seen the flag? I mean, it's OK..the design and all..but if someone comes up with a better design, I'd be interested in changing it to something better. You can't tell me that we reached the pinnacle of flag design 200 years ago and are now stumped on how to improve it. I can think of tons of stuff that can represent our great country better than simple old stars and stripes can.

And that is truly progressive wild stuff. "Changing the flag? *pulls hair out* HAVE YOU GONE INSANE?!?!?!"

Make the American Flag Great Again!


The article seems to be saying that conservatives hail it as a display of "militarism and masculinity," (which oddly enough has the initials M&M, which coincides with the meltdown of the green M&M becoming androgynous, but that's beside the point). Anyway, as someone who considers myself to be "on the left," militarism and masculinity (M&M) isn't a problem for me. A lot of leftists don't virtue signal the militarism and masculinity (M&M) to death the way conservatives do, so it's looked at as leftists hate that stuff.

Of course, you can find people saying, "THE MILITARY SUCKS, BRO!!!!!! NOTHING BUT PSYCHOTIC KILLER BLOODTHIRSTY ANIMALS!!!!!!" Sure, there are things about the military that aren't perfect and a lot of dumb shit end up happening and you can argue too much money is wasted on military spending...but just the simple overall basic idea of having a military is something I think most people can agree is a good thing to have.

Same with masculinity. Masculinity isn't bad. But the way it is used as a weapon against others can be bad. Same with femininity. Toxic femininity is used as a weapon against other girls when girls bully girls for not being feminine enough or something stupid like that. but there's nothing wrong with femininity or masculinity.

Also, Ben Shapiro is the last person that should criticize a lack of masculine men in society. By traditional standards, he's not masculine at all, plus he's considered short for a man. Now, I'm all for doing whatever you want when it comes to gender, but Ben Shapiro would be closer to a feminine man than a masculine man. There's something funny about a short feminine man cheering on the return of masculine men to society...especially when they never even left to begin with! Society didn't collapse with Ben Shapiro being a feminine man instead of being someone like Arnold Schwarzenegger.

We do live in some wild times, I'll tell you that.
