MovieChat Forums > Avatar: The Way of Water (2022) Discussion > Almost ZERO attempt at building a lore o...

Almost ZERO attempt at building a lore or expanded universe???

Probably my biggest issue with the Avatar "franchise" is that there is no franchise at all. A big factor that carried the intense momentum of Harry Potter, Star Wars, etc was that they had shows, video games, toy lines, and a fuckton of fanfic worldbuilding that allowed fans to dive deep into the universes they loved. Cameron hasn't even tried to do this at all, yet he wants to have a franchise that'll rival Star Wars? Star Wars stayed fresh for decades because every kid had the games, the toys, the bedsheets. Part of the reason nobody gives a fuck about Avatar is because people have one single mediocre film to watch, and that's it. I think there was ONE Avatar video game on the PS3 back in 2009, but that's it.


you're an idiot


"you're an idiot"
Why? Avatar is shit, cos the story is shit and the characters are shit, and the only thing it had going for it was the visuals and that's about it, and ironically, even modern folks are turning against CGI!


you're an idiot troll whining about CGI!


you should change your username because it's clearly false, lol

you know i am right


Real solid argument.


I OP's got a point.


"yet he wants to have a franchise that'll rival Star Wars?"
Hahaha! Good luck with that, Cameron!


He would have to chop the box office gross in half, in order to get down to SW level.


And then make some shitty cartoons and streaming shows, too.


Apparently Cameron made the conscious decision not to oversaturate the Avatar universe with merchandise and spin-offs before making any of the sequels were released, because he wants it to feel more fresh and special.


But I want a Baby Puppet toy!


And you know this how, by watching a 60 second teaser?


No, i know this by being alive from 2009 to 2022, duh. lol


Yes...agree. Same blue aliens flying on back of dragons. The same repetitive moments like the face that Jake makes while flying. Even the first installment wasn't original and full of cliches; Jake running away from the monster and jumping into the water fall was a straight derivative of Predator. Neytri's CGI facial expressions and that emotional face she makes is so damn irritating. They'll simply explore water world of Pandora and introduce some more creatures and more human villains. That's it. That's the best the film would do. It's just going on the lines of Dawn of the Planet of the Apes; escaped Aliens now settled in new location until a new human threat arrives.


We've seen precious little so far, but it looks like it's gonna be the same movie with swimming instead of flying. Are the humans and blue people just gonna keep fighting over planets? That's not very interesting. You gotta have quests and things.
