Esterhowse's Replies

He has no case. A new director replaced the outgoing guy. The new guy had a mandate to drastically change the tone of the movie so that is what he did. Yes it basically wrote Fischer's character out of the movie. Tough shit pal, that is how it works. So again he has no case, because there is no case to make. WB is not under any obligation to make a character the actor approves of. "I don't believe some of these people are fit for positions of leadership" I think the people who made movies that made billions should not be in positions of leadership... This whole thing is much ado about nothing. Snyder left the movie and the guy who replaced him took everything in a different direction. Hmm... What morons don't buy tickets in advance? You weren't being an elitest. You were not being a moron. I love watching all the right wingers get triggered. I swear you ass clowns are always just looking for outrage. Go back to OAN or Newmax or any other of your safe spaces. "It became obvious to him pretty soon that Play Tone was just using The Wonders to make money because they sounded like the Beatles." WTF would a record label do.. The Wonders arean't anything special, there are hundreds of bands just like it created every year. What the moron Jimmy should have done is used their money to fund his "Artistic" endeavors. Also at the end of the day, The Wonders big hit was a Beatles rip off. Naw that is high for this shitfest of a movie. Total Recall V Scanners " he wasn't this crazy person he is now back then." Yes he was. He was busy chasing UFOs before 911. Not only is Walker doing a great job as Captain America each episode there is an extended naval gazing scene with Winter Snowball and Falcon about Falcon not taking the shield. And it doesn't make any sense, because as you said Walker is doing fine. "That “guitarist” is her son, Elijah Blue Allman." HAHA. One of my favorite Greg Allman quotes. "Two things no man should ever do, heroine and marry a woman named Cher." These guys do so much work on these Axanar movies. "So what impact do you think adding more music (even at the expense of cutting back the final chase scene a few minutes) would have had on the film?" There is no point in changing anything in Blues Brothers. The movie is perfect. "Money isn’t everything." Yes it is. Except to claim that any of these incredible movies are Cazale movies is just absurd. The Godfather is a Pacino, Brando flick. Deerhunter is Deniro, Walken Cazale is backdrop to those guys. What will freak you out is that it really isn't that hard to be a millionaire. It just doesn't mean that much anymore. Join the US Army as an officer. Max out your TSP and IRA and once you get 25 years in you will have 1.5 mill in retirement accounts and be making 80K+ year for life. It is all more compartmentalized and moving so much more faster. You used to see decades long eras of pop culture and that has now been shrunk down to months. Unless your last name is Kardashian. I rate is a "I tried to watch it, I really did try to watch it" out of 10. If is just big dumb shit for the kiddies. I am really curious as to where it will go, given that is has lost the main protagonist. Smurf has issues with women or anyone that gets close to her kids. She sees them as a threat to her control over them. Then you need to see more of his movies.