Esterhowse's Replies

Left wing: Living in a commune and not part of society. Ring wing: Public schools are bad. Left wing: The trappings of weath should be eschewed. Ring wing: Boot strap yourself out of life's problems. yeah I think they were in that thing for 8 episodes.. and most of that was after they jettison'ed the engine... I am bummed. I used to love this show. You could get a coke for 25 cents when I was a kid in the late 70s. "nothing more to it." I know just as long as you ignore the excellent action scenes, the fun adventures, the great music, the awesome tech, the cool battles, the awesome mechs and awesome dialogue, there was nothing more to it. The primary failure of season 5 is that the show needs Chrisjen Avasarala and Fred Johnson. Those two characters and their storylines are what gives the show its epic scale. The crew of the Rosinate are what gives the show its personal/individual touch. In season five they stupidly killed off Johnson and for all intents and purposes sidelines Avasarala. I am sad as well! It is so strange. In Season 4 the show just ignored the best characters but was still setting up some interesting stories with them. Season 5 was just so terrible. The show split everyone up and focused so much time on Naomi's silly family storyline. It was just bizarre. I am still pissed this got cancelled. It is still prime's best show. Wow! I am replying to a post from 17 years ago! I am! Avatar was awesome! "One item that sticks with me as unique to this film is the general filthiness and slovenliness of the American soldiers, both enlisted as well as officer" When I joined the US Army one of the things the preventive medicine docs told us, was how some D day soldiers went 9 months before they got to take a shower. The army has learned the value of personal hygiene. He would be a perfect choice to screw it up. "craftsmanship than this has." Yeah those jetskis sure took a lot of effort... I am with you man. It is comical watching all the right wingers hate on this guy. Yeah man, I tried to get into this show and it just didn't land for me. "I always seem to compare this to “Disturbing Behaviour” for some reason. " There were released the same year and had similar casts. This movie was a mess. You can't tell this story without the interventions of the greek gods. This is not the "true" story of the many wars between Troy and Greece. This is the Iliad, and the Iliad makes absolutely no sense without the machinations of the gods. I saw it twice in the theaters and it was awesome and the place was packed both times. It is such a great movie. He has a strange career. So much acclaim but I guess not a lot of commercial success. Then again, he has managed to have a career acting which is more than 100s of 1000s can say. I worked at a restaurant where the wife ran the front and the husband ran the back. I never had any issues with it and it was the best restaurant job I ever had. Restaurant work is a truck load of work that never stops but she did a great job with the wait staff and the dining room and he kept the kitchen running like a well oiled machine. I have also worked in an office job where the two sons of the owner were executives. The place made so much money that there weren't any issues. You could tell that the sons were being carried, but they weren't jerks about it and the company made enough money that all involved were well compensated. I do wonder how it would have been if the profit margin was not so large. If you had gone to college you would know paying off a mortgage early is a waste of money.