"Stop the Car!!"

Bucky's reactions to Battlestar and Captain Walker just crack me up!! He is clearly letting you know how he feels about this situation. About anything else Sgt Barnes is very hard to read, but when it comes to Steve, Sam and Cap's shield? Bucky is a beast.

Bucky, "Let's Take the Shield Sam", "Let's Take the shield and do this ourselves", and Buck was SERIOUS!


There's even a briefest look of disgust when Walker and Battlestar do the forearm bump, as well as when Bucky catches the shield and hands it back to Walker during the fight.

But yeah, that was a definite LOL moment for me:

"I'm Battlestar."

"BATTLESTAR?!? Stop the car!"

What was cool though is how it all turns on its head during the therapy session, when he admits his actual fear, that Steve might've been wrong about both Sam and Bucky himself. Between that and his covering for Isaiah Bradley, we finally get a sense of Bucky's real pain.


Bucky is a dick. Sam is a dick too. So was Steve. Thy are literally never wrong - and get defensive about it too.


I don't think you've watched the show, or if you have, you weren't paying attention. Both Bucky and Sam are constantly second-guessing themselves.


Not publicly. They don't like Walker - and have no legit reason to - and already talking about stealing the shield; and feel completely justified in doing so. They don't care about rules or laws. Their whole rationale is that Steve was "my friend" crap. It's just like Civil War. These guys don't think law applies to them.


Sam refused to steal the shield so he wasn’t about to do anything illegal. Additionally, he gave the shield up to the Smithsonian so there was a very public display of second guessing himself. As for Bucky, he avoids the public so there’s no chance for him to second guess himself publicly.


You wanna bet they come to blows with Walker and tale it?


If the storyline follows the comics, Walker will go crazy and start attacking.


AP made valid points, and I'd add that the entire focus of Bucky's life seems to be making up for past errors. He spent 50+ years living one never-ending day of crime and killing, and he's wracked by guilt over what he's done. He blames himself even though he was under someone else's control and is unsure of how to make up for his past actions. He outright states that he questions his own self-worth, and when he sees Sam making (and owning up to) mistakes, that it further undermines his belief in himself, because the one thing he had going for him was Captain America's faith in him. If Cap misplaced his faith in Sam, he may well have done the same with his faith in Bucky.

Both Sam and Bucky are shown not only to make poor choices, but shown admitting them and trying to figure out how to fix their mistakes.


[–] kuatorises (1840) 3 hours ago
Bucky is a dick. Sam is a dick too. So was Steve. Thy are literally never wrong - and get defensive about it too.
Something bothering you this morning, that bothered you yesterday, that bothered you the day before that? I hope you are female because you got one too many dicks on your mind. Not that there is anything wrong with Dicks.

I'm just saying. 😂


In episode three Baron Zemo seems to have a more intelligent monologue and states what you so inelegantly are trying to say. 😎


They are being children. Walker is doing a decent job as Cap. He requests unity and teamwork and they reject him over their pissy attitude about the shield. I liked Falcon in the movies but not so much in this show. I liked Bucky in episode 1 but think he has been embarrassingly bad since. This scene summed up how dumb these characters are being written.

They made Walker much cooler and reasonable than in the comic. He isn't unstable enough to follow what happens in the comic. So I am afraid they will do it anyhow and the "natural" connection we are supposed to swallow is that he was with the govt. so of course he is secretly evil.

At this point the only reason I will continue watching is to see what they do with Isaiah Bradley.


Not only is Walker doing a great job as Captain America each episode there is an extended naval gazing scene with Winter Snowball and Falcon about Falcon not taking the shield.

And it doesn't make any sense, because as you said Walker is doing fine.
