Esterhowse's Replies

I know both of those movies and yes they should be in the same category. Leave No Trace fell apart before the end but it is an interesting flick. Ben Foster is top notch! You can tell how shitty it is, just by how quiet the fans are. I swear I heard more about this movie before it was released. There are so many.. Butch Cassidy and the Sun Dance kid. Cool Hand Luke Fort Apache The Bronx I could like at least a dozen performances by him that are amazing. The whole thing was backstories on characters that didn't need any. Is there any value in knowing that Voldemort's snake was a shape shifter? How could anyone see that scene and not see anything but a rape? ".. they're kind of juvenile .. l" Yeah I agree with that. The trouble is, Star Wars is Juvenile. Very much Godzilla movies. It is just juvenile shit that you are going to love or not. I don't love either. I am so sick of the entire "toxic fandom" bullshit. It is not the fans fault when a movie like The Last Jedi sucks ass. OMG YES! The score is so good! Season 2 was season 1 all over again. It was fun. It is called ACTING. There is no reason Elliot Page can not play a female character. Omg this show was such an abortion. There are ideas in here that are really cool, Gestalt, the notion that are X-Men like characters that various government agencies are snatching up. Unfortunately over all it was a disaster. It is a ton of fun and the for the most part everything ties off in the first season. It is worth it. It got cancelled twice in the US. That was easy for you to say. No I have not. You can not beat a character description that is "Man on the Street / Obscene Caller / Chief Looney"! LMAO Nothing about this show makes me wonder about anything anywhere. Other then how did such a stupid story get made. A block of wood with a wig on it can replace Tom Cruise as far as I am concerned. hehe! I love Bob Odenkirk, he is such a strange choice for this role. I am going to see it just to witness the spectacle of what you described. I love responding to posts that are over 15 years old. I saw the mini series as a kid and then much later read the book, so I first saw Mitchum as Henry. It is celebrated casting. This is a mini series that is so ripe for a remake. HEHE I disagree completely on the "might be'" part.