MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Actors & Actresses with perfect filmogra...

Actors & Actresses with perfect filmographies

Wondering who you think has a perfect filmography in terms of always making good choices for which projects to get involved with.


Everyone has bad films in their filmography with the exception of John Cazale who was only in 5 movies and all of them were nominated for a best Picture Oscar.


Wow. Never knew this about Cazale. 5 for 5 right out of the gate.


And 3 of them actually won best picture. Who knows what he could have done.


Reminds me of James Dean - died quite younger than Cazale (who died of cancer age 42)

His three major roles, East of Eden, Rebel Without a Cause, and Giant were all acclaimed, two Oscar nominated. Before that he was a TV actor for a few years.

*Who knows what he could have done*


Except to claim that any of these incredible movies are Cazale movies is just absurd. The Godfather is a Pacino, Brando flick. Deerhunter is Deniro, Walken

Cazale is backdrop to those guys.


He was definitely supporting. Although, he's probably co-lead in "Dog Day Afternoon".


Carrie Henn



Up until 2020 it was perfect.


i would totally play in any Tom Cruise role.

he's done garbage for sure.. but also some pretty dope work


up to around 1997 a lot of actors had perfect filmographies imo. i used to read the lists in the back of the golden retriever movie guides and think this. and then a lot of them started making some bad choices.


Nobody's perfect but from 1938-1970 Jimmy Stewart made dozens of very rewatchable movies, it helps if you like westerns.


John Cazale


Denzel Washington?


Christopher Plummer. Especially that one in which he plays the emperor of the universe.
