telmarine's Replies

It’s possible it was filmed in a low quality film, making it virtually impossible to digitize in HD. After all, this is a TV series, not a feature length film. We need a sample of this of course Wow she’s way bustier than I thought. She’s going to need some new seashells. I have a mental image of what “Part of your World” would sound like in R&B. I kind of like it. I guess you have a point. But it seems like the MCU is inspired by the comics, not so much adapted from them. There will be some differences, as you’ve seen already (due to logistical and copywriting reasons). It wasn’t Cappie’s fault. It was the teacher. She should’ve just told him about the mess he was going to create. Yea he seemed a little too eager to lather up Lucas’s cock with Bengay. Maggie is not a bitch. Although you can’t deny that she took a liking to Cappie almost immediately, but she never threw herself at him. In fact, she was pretty restrained. I think she liked the attention, but what teen girl wouldn’t? Elise is a victim here, but her insecurity did make her antagonistic against Cappie. Had her cooler head prevailed instead of going in attack mode on Cappie, I’m sure Cappie would’ve been able to understand how Elise was perceiving all of this and laid off on Maggie. Elise did have a point after all, but insecurity is an ugly thing. They are teens; they don’t have the advantage of wisdom. Maggie never kissed Cappie or treated him as a date until after he broke up with Elise. Yea it’s strange they haven’t decided on making a Mickey movie. Mario is essentially Japan’s Mickey who now has global appeal. But never fear, I’m sure with an upcoming Frozen 3, they will have a cash cow on their hands. They didn’t explain this or hint at this well enough in the film. It’s crazy. It had a $59.9 million weekend in its third weekend. A 35% drop. It’s an amazing hold. It has a chance of being #1 for a 4th weekend before the impending release of Guardians of the Galaxy. It also opens in Japan and South Korea next weekend, which will likely be its biggest international markets. I had to re-read your list to make sure I saw it correctly. How could you miss Super Mario World?! LOL Yep, a SNES-era “save-Peach” game. It’s a classic! Oh god no. That’s so old and played out. This was a good movie premise. I can only guess. Maybe living in an online world let’s us see everything through a modern lens whereas the 80’s and before culturally developed organically without much outside influence of easily being able to observe previous decades. What reality do you live in? Anti wokes were blasting this movie for Peach being a bass ass, Mario being under Peach’s wing and Luigi being the damsel in distress. And now, all of a sudden they love this movie because it didn’t bomb after all? What a joke. Mario movie did well because generations of people love Mario and it’s a fun film. Are you so desperate to find a film to fit your narrative that you are conveniently forgetting about that complete 180 turn? Wow. Makes you wonder if the live action sequel will make her the same way Wow y’all are picky. But I bet you would date him if he asked. I liked the films. But I’m not overly picky as well. I’ve seen many movies that I either didn’t like or bored me. This was neither. Don’t watch this movie for the sex scenes. This isn’t porn. For that, just want a porn video with a loose lead-up story to a sex scene. Maybe its a period film, set in the late 2000’s. I’ve thought about this before. Not specifically for this movie but in general. The only difference between a creepy guy and an alpha “stud” getting what he wants is that a creepy guy isn’t good looking. Let’s be honest here.