telmarine's Replies

I’ve thought about this before. Not specifically for this movie but in general. The only difference between a creepy guy and an alpha “stud” getting what he wants is that a creepy guy isn’t good looking. Let’s be honest here. Crazy high numbers. And to think I was expecting Detective Pikachu type numbers ($54 million 3-day, or $72 million 5-day). Video game fans support each other. I didn’t watch the Sonic films on the big screen. But you better bet I will after the success of the Mario movie. If you have to ask, then yes, it’s gonna be woke. When I first heard Chris Pratt as Mario in the first trailer, I was a bit disappointed but I kind of shrugged it off. Now, after watching the movie, I can say that he fit right in as Mario and going for the NY Brooklyn accent was probably a good choice. Don’t overthink it. It sounds fine. I loved Peach’s voice. None of the voice acting really stuck out to me as jarring. On the contrary, there was some good voice casting. I especially liked Peach and Bowser. Toad and Cranky Kong were my least favorite, but again, they didn’t sound bad. Just different than what I was expecting. You’re making it sound like it’s a bad story and it’s not lol but I get what you are saying though. It’s a heart warming, straight forward story. For a non gamer, it will come off as a pretty decent film. For a gamer, it wonderful. Just left the movie theater. Very enjoyable film. I haven’t see any of the Sonic films, but now I wish I would have. I liked it better than Detective Pikachu. Not a complex story line, but a great one for a Mario film. I love the relationship between Mario and Luigi. Two thumbs up. I agree as well. Its target audience was too limited. I know gay people who felt that it dove too strongly into a subset of the gay community and so it didn’t appeal to them either. I watched the trailer myself and I felt like I couldn’t relate to it. I guess I could give it a chance if it’s streaming somewhere. I think that’s the point we’ve been trying to make. Lots of dark skinned African descended people on this world and no live action black Disney princess yet. Ginger-complected people have already have Giselle in TWO live action Disney princess films and now you want one in a third one as well? Where’s the accurate representation in that? Considering the amount of black people, there should be multiple black princesses. Yes, I’ll be there on opening weekend. Belle was way miscast by Emma Watson. I agree. I didn’t see Belle. I saw Hermoine wearing a yellow dress. Plus, she’s fairly pretty, but she’s not beautiful - the way “Belle” is supposed to be. Plus, Emma just can’t sing. As for Halley Bailey, I guess one could make an argument about skin color, but regardless of your feeling there, there is no argument that this girl can sing. And she’s more beautiful than Emma, but I realize that’s a matter of personal taste as well. Oh awesome. Thanks for the explanation and the link. I’ll read up on it. So we’ve had another trailer come out and it sounds like they are going for the Brooklyn accent. It’s all right. I don’t think it’s going to bug me watching the movie. Now it’s Donkey Kong I’m worried about. You can’t “purge” movies you don’t like. That’s u realistic. This is a capitalist country. Fro better or for worse, money talks. Support the movies you like. That’s all you can realistically do. We are talking movies here. Go support the movies you like. Of course there are. But yours isn’t the only view. We all coexist. You’re the one that sounds like a simple minded idiot. just because someone doesn’t agree with you. Someone spoiled you when you were little. Guess what? It’s not all about you. Not everyone will agree with you. Get it over crybaby. You sound like a MAGA hat and an idiot. Where is the proof they are getting paid? The truth is that some movies and good and some are bad. It’s not all some conspiracy. Open your eyes and stop being an idiot. There are both high and low rated diverse films. Oh ok that’s a good point. I hope we don’t see Loki’s Kang anytime soon. I’m not liking the prevalence of so many timeline versions of characters. It’s going to start getting messy quickly if they don’t stop this.