MovieChat Forums > Theman > Replies

Theman's Replies

So true. Starbucks. Studied polish. Long walk. Played one game of chess against real person in front of me. If you count before morning I drew a lot. I like the taste and ate some in the distant past but now my heart hurts if I eat anything on the menu including fries and pies. I smoke, am slightly above middle age, but I also run distance. Not much recently but more when it’s warmer. I could go to a gym where you actually run on something besides a machine that could potentially turn you into Darth Vader with prolonged use but it’s a hassle to drive there. I can eat Wendy’s though. Joe Biden will pump his fist into the air and mutter a swear word. Then he’ll forgot what he was thinking about and go back to having the newspaper comics being read to him by a high ranking aid. Source? Well said. Even brought up some points that I was not aware of and I know a lot. Not just about this but about everything. No one is innocent. And by no one I mean the whole human race. They are all tainted by original sin. Everyone except me and Abe Vigoda. I reside in the Angelic Realm. Your ignorance is showing. In civil cases if a defendant loses he is liable. Only in criminal cases can a defendant potentially be found criminal. Just like old foolish Ben Kenobi at the hands of one Darth Vader. 30K babies were saved because of the overturn of Roe. Look it up. Star Wars Tom Clancy films Dr. Strangelove I was about to say the same thing. There is one other. He lives deep in the Himalayas. He prepares for Ragnorak. If anything the Empire should have destroyed more planets. You got the wrong board. This board is for Firefox. The question wasn’t about Trump. Gotta love liberals and their refusal to take responsibility. No. They could have had a radio controlled tank knock down a wall on day one. Instead, they tortured them for many weeks by blaring music of animals being tortured and what not. To say Bill Clinton didn’t know is hogwash as this was on the news everyday. WanderFromYs=doesn’t believe in the Buck stops here.