MovieChat Forums > Theman > Replies

Theman's Replies

Ok. You just completely changed the subject. Yes it does. She entered the political arena so she can be attacked. Think for once, I know it can be hard. What’s your problem? She said she would leave the country if Trump was elected. Listen, I am not going to argue with someone who can’t spell a basic word twice, once even after I drew attention to it. So you double down on murded? What the hell is murded? No need to boycott. Not funny for years so there is no reason to watch in the first place. That’s like saying in defense of a DUI what about the people on the road who were sober who killed people in a car accident? No. This comet in that episode was coming very close to the earth so it was big and fast. In fact in the original script but never filmed the comet hits the apartment to the terror of onlookers which was how the series was supposed to end. I forgot to add one more. 1984 1984 version. Letters to Juliet I used to think she looked really pretty but now I find her boring looking. Star Wars. In the holograms and the last scene. I don’t have the patience to watch the video in its entirety but I guess meteor. Zero. But one time I was in a small meditation room in a church basement in college and someone left a bottle of wine and I drank some of it. For Your Eyes Only and Goldeneye. Harrison Ford-Carpenter Wait. I am confused. Who dies in this far fetched scenario? Steve Martin or Harrison Ford? It’s an allusion to the move because it rocks.