MovieChat Forums > Politics > Do you boycott McDonald’s?

Do you boycott McDonald’s?

You should!


I haven't eaten McDonalds in years. They repeatedly lied about their ingredients.

"McDonald’s CEO says consumers suffering ‘difficult times’ can actually be a good thing for his business"
Sociopath earns $20 million base salary ea. yr. and believes poverty is good for business.

"McDonald’s CEO Chris Kempczinski hit with racial discrimination lawsuit after firing security chief who says he criticized him in town hall meeting"


"Media mogul Byron Allen is asking famed investor Carl Icahn to join his fight against the McDonald’s corporation for alleged racial discrimination."

Good news is that boycott is hurting McDonald's.


"They repeatedly lied about their ingredients."

They've always been just salt and fat...

Do they still run those commercials where someone cracks an egg into a skillet? LOL


Animal fat still in fries after they said it was removed.

I don't know. New ads aren't as good as the old ones. No more catchy jingos and sentimental and fun ads.

I used to compare McDonald's ads and menus internationally. Corn kernels in a cup are popular overseas.


Can't you just type your point without trolling people to off one some probably stupid link.

Why should I boycott McD?


You don’t follow the news ?

In the fast food giant's case, the boycott campaign began after Israeli franchises started offering free meals to Israeli Defense Force soldiers, promoted in a social media blitz in October. Now, its CEO Chris Kempczinski has admitted McDonald's took a financial hit, especially in its Middle Eastern markets.


I figured it would be something like that.

I congratulate McD's in that case. I'll make a point to get an Egg McMuffin meal for breakfast until Hamas is exterminated.

I fully support the IDF and here is a brief explanation of why ...

If you think Palestians want peace of their own state?

Here is a brief history of Hamas, Gaza, the Palestinian state:
- Well, Palestinians got a state called Gaza.
- The first thing they did was destroy everything productive
that Israel left them. Farms, orchards, factories, infrastructure..
- Then they elected Hamas - 18 years so, so all those kids of
brainwasted by Hamas were the murderous 10-7 terrorists and
their children will be even worse.
- Then they murdered their Palestinian opposition, Islamic Jihad
& Fatah by hanging, shooting, torture, throwing them off the
tops of buildings.
- Then they went on to fire rockets every day at Israel, paid
for with aid money from the UN and other countries, financial
- Then they began digging tunnels and hiding weapons in houses,
mosques, hospitals etc.
- Then they broke through and attempted genocide, murdered
1200 people and took 230 hostage.
- Then they put their own people in harms way for publicity
trying to convince the world it is Israel and not them that get
their own people killed.
- Then they promised they would do it again and again and
again - forever until they destroyed Israel and killed all the Jews.

How much frickin clearer can it be?

People brave enough to fight that kind of evil deserve a lot more than a Big Mac.

No one might not like Netanyahu - but Netanyuahu knows what has to be done better than anyone else in the world.
Get off his back - he is working for the whole world to stand up to Islamic terrorism and bring real peace and prosperity to the Middle East. I'd be honored to buy Netanyahu as many Big Macs as he wanted.


Great post.

This should be a sticky.


Post is full of so much crap it's already gooey and sticky


Agreed, its a great post.



One of the hilarious claims of the slaughter enablers is that Hamas were voting in and elected by the current population. That's despite the last elections taking place longer ago than the current average age in Gaza (work out what that means...). Unbelievable but true.

However, given that some of the posters on here would appear to be jacking off at videos of the IDF massacring their way through that population, it's no wonder their posts are gooey and sticky!


Hitler was also elected by the population. I assume you sympathized with him and the Germans? I bet you are the person who goes to cemeteries and jerks off on American Soldiers.


LOL. As original as your previously divulged thought process...


Since you cant answer the question, that means you would support Hitler if he were alive today. What are your thoughts about the genocide that Putin is committing?


You must have missed it - I was pointing out in my previous post that there's a certain irony to you regurgitating my own joke, given I was laughing at your lack of any originality in simply backing a flawed comment.

Tbh, I'm not sure why you post here as you simply come across as quite simple (no offence meant). I'd stick to your troll-ish film board posts...



Talking about how many years it's been since the last Palestinian election just obscures how much support among the Palestinians there really is for Hamas, especially the October 7th attack. Polling shows that 63% of Gazans and 83% of West Bankers approve of the 10/7 attack. And for you to claim that Hamas doesn't legitimately represent the Palestinians is disingenuous because you oppose Israel's effort to remove Hamas from power in Gaza.



Tbh boycotting these massive multinationals has always seen like a futile endeavour to me but FootOfDavros Jnr got wind of this McDonald's IDF link early on in the ethnic cleansing slaughter and so I joined them.

Still, I suppose there is an amusing human moral hypocrisy at play - Boycott McDonald's because they're feeding creatures involved in human slaughter but quite happy not to previously, even although aware that their involved in mass animal slaughter!


Maybe if they had been better at guarding the border than they are at eating burgers, they wouldn't be in the pickle they find themselves in now.


I like the taste and ate some in the distant past but now my heart hurts if I eat anything on the menu including fries and pies. I smoke, am slightly above middle age, but I also run distance. Not much recently but more when it’s warmer. I could go to a gym where you actually run on something besides a machine that could potentially turn you into Darth Vader with prolonged use but it’s a hassle to drive there. I can eat Wendy’s though.


Boycotting McDonald's should be linked to common sense, not genocidal states, just like boycotting KFC, or whatever garbage drinks like Pepsi or Coca-Cola .
it's bad for health and that's all


I am going to eat McDonalds every day until all the hostages are back home with their families.


Almost everything they serve is poison, so you may not survive that long.


Their breakfast burritos are pretty good. I imagine Hamas will never release the hostages until Trump is elected.
