MovieChat Forums > Theman > Replies

Theman's Replies

It’s popular now so she came back. I used to like Disney until they started to support abortion. Like the Hollywood affirmative action crowd is any better. Did you see last year’s Oscars? They kept rolling out black presenters throughout the telecast. They couldn’t find enough black people so they got a non actor Serena Williams to present. They cry racism and it ruined the whole telecast. I stopped using Yahoo besides mail because they spoil stuff in the headlines. She has really good eyesight. I thought Thor was the God of War. Freya is the goddess of love. Well I think Rachel did not have the virtue to maintain the position she took. She had sex with at least two other people before the event and after the show started. It’s weird because she described that she had passionate sex with palo so her reaction to Ross having sex during their break seemed like someone who had more virtue than Rachel did. I agree.