MovieChat Forums > Theman > Replies

Theman's Replies

There are claims Bill Clinton raped women. Please, have some self respect and don’t equate murder with defrauding business partners. Donald Trump is not a murderer. There is a difference. Could of ended day one by driving a radio controlled tank to knock down some walls, then doing what they wanted with Koresh. Instead, Reno and Bill Clinton relished in pointlessly torturing the kids with sounds of animals being slaughtered at night and a copious amount of gas at the end. This is well documented even by so called respected able news outlets. What kind of sick f*ck delights in torturing little kids. Bill Clinton murdered a lot more, intentionally. One’s about beautiful women playing in mud, the other is a circus act. There is a difference. He is a cyborg now but he still has some of his original human parts. Your post implies that I have access to women. Do better. Looked like? As in past tense? Excuse me, but Jesus is actively walking on this earth as we speak in the ongoing apocalypse battling Satan, his minions, and Abe Vigoda. Do better. Excuse me, but the things you don’t know could fill a good sized book. Do better. I don’t mean to be rude but most of the things you don’t believe to be true are in actuality true. You need to wise up about the world. No. This has never happened. Fake news. I know this couple and they are definitely not going to hell. They go to church every week and do a lot of volunteer work. They are pillars in the community in the classic sense. No. These broads are right. I play a lot of Advanced Dungeons and Dragons second edition reprint and the racial descriptions of angels are just like you said. It’s in the Monster Manual. Cry me a river. It’s ironic how Penn’s character is a drug dealer and addict given how Russia treats those people. Clint Eastwood in Firefox. Sean Penn in The Falcon and the Snowman Sean Connery in The Hunt for Red October Suzanna Hamilton for 1984 (1984). He also was the main artist behind Chrono Trigger 1 and Blue Dragon video games. I recommend the Blue Dragon anime on Amazon Prime. Or in Lord if the Rings So true.