MovieChat Forums > Politics > How many innocent Gazans are there?

How many innocent Gazans are there?

Makes one wonder when many are indoctrinated at youth to blow up Israeli's. If you guys have saw the videos IDF had shown of the vast underground tunnels and weapons making workshops, it makes one wonder if all those so-called innocents killed are actually innocents. To them they probably think they're innocents and are just reporting their martyrs for Allah.

Remember when we're not suppose to trust Hamas owned reported numbers but the UN or whatnot? Yeah, guess what? around 12 or so UN UNRWA workers took part in the 10/6 attack as well. If the majority are children, that's a lot of potential child soldiers.

I may still have my problems with how Netty handles the war but lets not pretend that 25k of 2m are all innocents.



What a stupid cartoon. The only point of meat being kosher is so that it can be consumed. No one's eating the dead bodies in Gaza. Since it was "kosher" when the Allies killed hundreds of thousands of German and Japanese civilians during World War II why wouldn't it also be "kosher" when the Israelis killed a small fraction of that? Perhaps Bob Moran isn't smart enough to ask such a question. If his ancestors could rise from the grave they would slap him for this cartoon. Given how you feel about U.S. support for Ukraine, I was wondering what your opinion is about this Bob Moran cartoon:


"The only point of meat being kosher is so that it can be consumed."

Wrong! It's ignorant comments like that which show you lied about being Jewish.

You spent years in Jewish school? I don't think so!


You have to name call and insist everyone in the world
is wrong but you. You're pathetic. Asking you again -
Sunni or Shia and what country are you in?

Do you believe the Koran is the literal word of God, did Mohammed split the moon.

Read literally, it appears that the Quran, along with the Hadith, claims that Muhammad invoked God's power to cleave the moon in two, in order to show that Muhammad's God was indeed God: The Hour has come near, and the moon has split [in two].


TrentnQuarantino - "The Palestinians are barbarians"

You're just a racist.

Your fellow Islamophobe pal fails to know the reason for kosher meat. Perhaps you can help RustyShacklefurd.

BTW, Islam isn't divided into only 2 sects. More ignorance from you.


Continuing the name calling.

RustyShacklefurd makes a hell of a lot more sense than you do, and you're using the same insults and lies on him.

Is it possible that I can be friends with Arabs and Persians here in CA, US, while hating NOT THE PEOPLE, but the system in countries that turns them into mindless unquestioning terrorists, or folks like you who support mindless terrorrism and don't bother to question or validate your absurd claims, and name call and insult at the drop of a hat.

How does Kosher relate to anything? Was that an attempt to accuse me of being Jewish or something? Your insulting and irrational replies I just ignore and forget immediately.

You're desperately grab on to some nonsense to refute what people say to you, but don't seem to be able to follow a line of logic, which is no surprise if you belief your prophet can fly around on a winged horse.


"Arabs and Persians here in CA, US, while hating NOT THE PEOPLE, but the system in countries that turns them into mindless unquestioning terrorists"

Calling you an ignorant racist is descriptive and accurate.


I happy to let the readers make their own decision. Your opinion is nothing. Kind of a badge of honor to be called names by you.


Why were you crying like a 2-year-old about "name-calling" if you're happy about being called names?


> I['m] happy to let the readers make their own decision.

> Kind of a badge of honor to be called names by you.

Where did I say I was happy about being called names?

When I say you are stupid, it is obvious, and more of a description than an insult.


"Where did I say I was happy about being called names?"

"Kind of a badge of honor to be called names by you." Same difference.

"When I say you are stupid, it is obvious, and more of a description than an insult."

I always admitted that I learned little about history in school which is the reason I read tons of history books now. If I don't know a subject, I make an effort to learn it. Learning doesn't stop when you graduate from school. It begins.

My problem with you is that you prefer to wallow in your ignorance and have a closed-mind.


You are so full of shit. You prefer to wallow in ignorance about Islamosupremacy and the Muslim world and remain completely close-minded about them. You ignore any and all information that makes you uncomfortable or that proves you wrong in any way about any subject. That's why you repeat the same lies over and over and over again. You're an enormously arrogant and obnoxious narcissist stricken with Dunning-Kruger Syndrome and you continually project all your flaws onto others. No one on this forum views you the same way you view yourself. Do you realize that?


Your ad hominem = you can't defend your position


What "position"? All I've done is make a general statement about your character. You don't even try to make an argument explaining why I'm wrong about this because you know everything I said is completely true. I wouldn't give you a hard time about your severe problems if you were just honest about them and tried to mitigate them.


Your the one lying about being Jewish to cover for your Islamophobic comments. That shows you have little character and you're both Anti-Semitic and Islamophobic.


You're the one pretending that I'm lying about being Jewish, proving that you're of the lowest character. You don't even try to prove that anything I said about you here is false.


I ignore ad hominems.


And yet you use ad hominem attacks here all the time against both me and against even the authors of articles I've shown you, such as Eugene Kontorovich. That just proves that you're of the lowest character. If you really want to take a stand against ad hominems then you should refuse to use them against others. You still haven't even tried to prove that anything I said about you here is false because you simply can't disprove any of it.



No, I'm not wrong about the reason for meat being kosher. It looks like you just didn't pay close attention to what I said. When you say I'm wrong about this I assume (because you don't even explain why I'm supposedly wrong) you're referring to the fact that the bodies of kosher animals are used by Jews for other purposes such as making Torah scrolls and tefillin. But I was only talking about the meat. Torah scrolls and tefillin are not made out of the meat. They're made out of the hide. And on top of that the cows used to make Torah scrolls and tefillin don't need to be properly shechted. So even the meat from cows used to make Torah scrolls and tefillin isn't necessarily kosher.

You have a bad habit of not understanding what other commenters here say and then arrogantly claiming that they're wrong about something. If you paid closer attention to what others say and had a lot more humility you wouldn't always look like a total fool. Please learn this lesson for next time.


I understood what you wrote. You clearly don't understand the reason for kosher meat. That should have been something you were taught in Jewish school which you claimed to attend during your entire childhood.


Bullshit. You're just straight up lying. The only reason for meat being kosher is so that Jews can eat it. If you really knew of another reason for meat being kosher then you would actually tell me what that reason is. But you don't tell me what it is because you're just making it up as you go along. You did the same bullshit with Star Trek.


LOL! Wrong.

There is no way you attended Jewish schools throughout your childhood without knowing that. It's basic information.


Don't LOL. You haven't even explained what "that" supposedly is. I challenged you to back up your claim and you didn't even try to prove it. Please tell me another reason for meat being kosher besides making it acceptable for consumption by Jews. Either tell me that reason or you'll expose yourself as a shameless liar making it up as you go along.


You wrote that your mom is Orthodox and eats only Kosher. Can't you leave your basement to go upstairs and ask her?


I'm asking you. You're the one who made the claim so the obligation is on you to prove that it's true. Just tell me another reason for meat being kosher besides making it acceptable for consumption by Jews. Either tell me this supposed reason or you'll prove that you made it up out of thin air.


Either tell me that reason or you'll expose yourself as a shameless liar making it up as you go along.

keelai failed. but most on MC knew this already.


You never answered the question. It's like you're saying vegetarians eat vegetarian food because they're vegetarians.

You're saying there is Kosher meat so Jews can eat Kosher meat. LOL!

Admit your mom is an evangelical Christian and you don't know any Jewish people.


I'm only asking you what this supposed other reason is for meat being kosher in order to get you to prove that you didn't lie about its existence. Why won't you help me prove you're not a liar?

It's true that vegetarians eat vegetarian food because they're vegetarians. It's that very act that makes them vegetarians. There's nothing funny about meat being kosher just so Jews can eat it. Kosher meat is kosher because of the process of preparing it to be kosher. There's no other reason to prepare meat that way other than to make it acceptable for consumption by Jews. My claim would be funny if you could actually tell me the other supposed reason for meat to be kosher, which you apparently are unable to do. Thus, there's nothing funny about it.

Admit you lied about there being another reason for meat to be kosher and you just pretended that you don't believe I'm Jewish. That would be the best start to getting half this forum to stop believing that you're just a worthless liar.


What other kind of a cartoon would you expect from some even shallower than a cartoon?


All valid points.

It's a philosophical question. If one believes Israel as to
how they are conducting their operation in Gaza to kill
Hamas it doesn't really matter. Certainly it is a spiritual
murder to indoctrinate children to hate and murder and
it is a crime to the UN - and Hamas/Palestine would not
exist without this totalitarian programming to which no
children in Palestine are meant to escape.

When you see videos of Hamas soldiers dragging women
and children around in the street in hope it will protect
them from being killed, there is no choice.

In Israel's best estimates there is a 1 soldier to 2-3
civilian casualty ratio making Israel's operation anything
but genocide, and by data comparison the military
operation with the least amount of collateral damage.


"1 soldier to 2-3 civilian casualty"

Nonsense! The names and ages of dead Gazans are being collected. 50% of deaths are children. 30% are women.


Nonsense? Not much better than the neverending names and insults you resort to. You clearly put more faith in the UN than the rest of the world which is coming to understand how corrupt anything in the UN that touches the Middle East is, which include Hamas troops.

Like the fact that almost none of the Middle East Arab/Islamic countries sign the UN Declaration of Human Rights.


You clearly are against human rights, hypocrite.

Did Apartheid Israel sign?


Back to the name calling.
The hypocrisy is those who did not sign accusing Israel of breaking it.

BTW Hamas has had control of Gaza for about 18 years. So many Gazans are children because Hamas breeds them as fast as possible and sends them to Hamas schools as infants to learn terrorism. And Palestinian women who are also brainwashed into doing their part for terrorism have as many children as possible and are happy to turn them over the terrorists.

Is that what your mom did? Is that why you are so rabidly anti-semitic?

Those are not children in Gaza, those are human tragedies, long before Israel has any contact with them.


Apartheid Israel signed? LOL!

TrentnQuarantino: "The Palestinians are barbarians"

Your hatred is showing!


Only to you because you're wearing your insanity glasses.

Are you so insane that you fail to get that I don't mean 100% of Palestinians are barbarians and I draw a distinction between the people and the tocis system. Nah, you can't admit that. There are a lot more Palestinian recently that realize how screwed they have been thanks to Hamas, and its supporters like you. Your failure to stand up in your Mosque and tell the truth I guess is understandable considered they would probably kill or ban you. Still, it is the right thing to do.

Gazans know something Western liberals don’t: Hamas is a disaster for them.
That’s why they’re chanting “down with Hamas!” as they move to the humanitarian zone through a humanitarian corridor secured by Israeli forces.

Face it Keelai, you are a hateful terrorist supporter who spends all day spreading hate and pushing genocide. If you could step back and take an honest objective look at yourself you'd probably hurl.


TrentnQuarantino: "The Palestinians are barbarians"

Yep! That's 100%.

"you are a hateful terrorist supporter"
And now you call them terrorists! More of your bigoted dumbness on public display!


You live in an alternate reality and are known as a pathological liar.


You're projecting.


See what I mean?!


No one is innocent. And by no one I mean the whole human race. They are all tainted by original sin. Everyone except me and Abe Vigoda. I reside in the Angelic Realm.


Hard to believe they made those elaborate places without any heavy equipment or large amounts of material being displaced. Sounds like bullshit to me.


None.... The media says as much, so therefore it must be true


Thousands fewer than before Israel started massacring them.


Imagine allowing Gazans to live free and do what they want....they would constantly try and attack Israel
