B1cKsurN's Replies

[url]http://www.quickmeme.com/img/5e/5e6116694147369871eda4b177afec9ad0dce249c30070c34952716e7d639098.jpg[/url] Tax returns are back yay! Better than Hillary! I'll have my NothingBurger with extra bacon! The supply of racism by white people just doesn't meet the demand. That why we have these hoaxes. The real racists get impatient and attack themselves, and blame the people they hate. So much this^^^ They are opposed because they don't need the extra votes. That's why they want them sent to red states. They are horrible scumbags that don't give 2 fucks about these people...and its perfectly clear now. They just want the votes. That's all its EVER about. The fucking votes. Todays characters are mary sues. Strong women from the past are much better and more realistic. 👌 Him and Manning should be burned together at the stake. He certainly lives in all of your heads rent free, much like the rest of Fox News. You're getting screwed regardless. Thats 90s politics. Trust no government. Actually it is Democrats who have gone far left. The economist research graph shows this. [url]https://cdn.static-economist.com/sites/default/files/images/2018/09/articles/body/20180922_USC938_0.png[/url] Thanks for proving my point, you dehumanizing piece of scum. I'm not a fan of Kushner, no. I'm not really a fan of the government as a whole, honestly. I only chose a side because progressives more or less forced everyone to. I have no real home politically. I used to consider myself a classic liberal of the late 90's, but apparently that is now an outdated mindset. Liberals and progressives have gone so far left some are about to spill over the graph. Republicans haven't veered much since the 80s and appear to be the sane party now, but they're still republicans...so I can't fully trust them. The government isn't really on the people's side...it's just that the democrats have really honed in on their pandering strategy, and it has brought them to the brink of communism with propaganda fueled mobs carrying out the mission. It's quite terrifying actually. Disney bought those tickets lol. Pro-Life is an ideology. Pro-Choice is an ideology. I am not on either of these "sides". Baby murder as a form of birth control is wrong. I am not pro-life. Comic book virgins calling others incel scmucks...classic. Of course you haven't, it just became a thing. Also, you don't speak for anyone but yourself. In conclusion, No lives matter. Jussie Smollett is the first beneficiary Black privilege. DC and the studio didn't buy any of WW's tickets like Sony did for CM.