MovieChat Forums > Captain Marvel (2019) Discussion > $994Million on RottenTomatoes

$994Million on RottenTomatoes

..and everywhere else. I guess it's a really good movie as so many people want to pay money to see it!




Disney bought those tickets lol.


They could, as they make so much money from all their Marvel movies.
Maybe they'll buy WB and make DC characters interesting again.


By that Logic. Transformers is a masterpiece and Citizen Kane must be a horrible movie.


Pirates of the Caribean sequels good. The Thing, Blade Runner, Shawshank Redemption suck!


Yeah the argument that making money = good movie is so deeply flawed, it boggles my mind that people still buy into it.

Avatar was one of the biggest money makers ever made and people don't really talk about it anymore. Meanwhile, there are tons of movies out there that made little to no money at the BO that went on to become classics over the years. The same goes for awards, btw.


Avatar is still highly enjoyable. Certainly for first-time viewers.


I never cared for it. I found the movie pretty but forgettable. I can't even tell you the names of any of the characters.

And while it might still have fans, it doesn't seem to have any shelf life. I haven't seen any references to it since it came out. There are supposed to be sequels to it but I haven't seen much hype for it.


Your logic is flawed. But don't worry. Subsets will be taught in eight grade.


It was alright, on the same level as Ant-man & The Wasp in terms of quality, so it's okay.

Endgame will be the only movie to get close to King Avatar's billions.
