B1cKsurN's Replies

A decent portion of republicans are also in on that.... The Illegal Anti-Semitism bill shows is very telling. Yeah, there's definitely some desire for hate-sex going on there. May as well be Facebook articles. Same with you... Let's pretend you have all the power and resources at your disposal... What's your plan of action? Okay, let's pretend you have all the power and resources at your disposal... What's your plan of action? The planet isn't going anywhere. It's will shake off the Human Disease and not think twice about it. China and India are the world polluters. Start there. "the world's oceans have broken temperature records every single day over the past year," We're coming out of an ice age. We could have cooler temps for the next 10 years after this "record breaking" year for all we know. Yeah LOL.... Biden actually was touching nakedness with his daughter....gross. "Hatespeech"(Which is just speech you hate) most certainly is free speech. Most are just not protected from the consequences of it. In America, we are protected from government persecution, but not from getting smacked in the mouth. Different story outside the US. No one in Europe has free speech. Does Robo want to have sex with his daughter? Big Donors...the same ones that prop up failing woke companies. Think Soros. And we're back on the up, uP, UP!!! Good thing I bought some more shares during the dip.... We're makin money baby!! https://www.marketwatch.com/investing/stock/djt?mod=search_symbol Actually no climate prediction has ever come true. www.extinctionclock.org tracks all of them. It makes him feel good. Excessive name calling is a sign of deep insecurity issues. You're goofy. They admitted to doing it lol. You can't just throw off natural weather patterns with overseeding, and not expect an effect of it somewhere else in the world. It's basic science. Huh? Yeah, I'm also wondering what exactly is different about the weather now than every other year? Did anyone really think countries in the Middle East overseeding clouds wouldn't have a butterfly effect somewhere else? Also, a single weather event is not an indication of anthropomorphic climate change. Black people don't look like monkeys.