B1cKsurN's Replies

False dichotomy. TDS conspiracy theories aren't the same as the proven facts of the Smollette case. He isn't innocent and we are actually owed a federal investigation. Black privilege is now real. Gay privilege too. The thirst is real. No, the difference is WaterGate actually happened. The other did not. If there's one connotation I hate the most, it's "Uncle Tom" They literally shut down the city for this fucking asshole. Black Privilege is now a thing. Probably because there's procedural reasons that ignorant civilians don't know about. Plus, most people wouldn't even understand what they were reading anyway. Look, the media chased a ghost for 2 years and has lost all credibility. The losing side of the election has proven they cant take an L, and will call everyone they disagree with nazis, racists, deplorables, etc. Continuing to double down at this point is just laughable. Yup....We don't tow the SJW line so we're "radicalized" Fuck these people, fuck them in their bigoted assholes. No one cares about Roastie Daniels. Invest in tin foil! Doesn't matter... prepare for the double-down'ing en masse. My bad, I'll fix it. ... Comic book virgins calling others incels... The irony. So much that in typical marxist fashion, they are doubling down! Lol, landslide! The dictator literally everyone is allowed to criticize... Those that don't believe in merit, most likely have never had it to begin with. Awwww poor cewebritwies kids have to compete tit for tat with us "normies" to get into school... GOOD. Comic book fans calling others incels... The irony. Yeah, and now NZ has armed criminals and a population unable to defend themselves...good job!! Guess what stopped this shooting? The good guy with a gun, buts that's already being memory holed. No, they were replaced with copypasta shill reviews. The images and posts on Twitter confirm this.