MovieChat Forums > fc31 > Replies

fc31's Replies

I agree. The only interesting parts of endgame are the parts with Thanos in them. Otherwise it is a slow movie with occasionally cheesy moments in it. I don't think so. It is not like you just wear the glove and snap your finger. The power of stones is supposed to flow through your body so your mind can control just about everything in universe. A suit is nothing compare to that and I hardly think it will help. Angus T. Jones (Jake) criticized "Two and a half men" and look what happened to him. You can kill a lot of bugs that way, but they grow back just as fast. I think the plan is to kill all bugs on a planet so they don't grow back, at least not that fast (Bugs are still going to send spores into space and randomly land on planets). I don't think she will be a high powered lawyer, she does not fit the sharp, cynical and tough as nail image, I mean who would hire such a sweet and cute lawyer in a labor dispute? She will also unlikely to be a house wife because her father has been pushing her to be someone some day. She can't argue her way out of SAT and her grades are average (C+ to B- range), so ivy league schools are probably out of question. I agree her ideal jobs are something could employ her people skills, maybe teaching, sales or psychiatry. The film is special because of Alicia Silverstone, which is just too perfect as Cher. It is an average film or even complete failure without her. I think that would be the most difficult part for re-make. Rachel Blanchard showcased how difficult that was before. And I agree I don't see Chloe Grace Moretz being able to pull it off, she is more of a mean girl materiel in my opinion. I think the only one can do this from the top of my hat is Elle Fanning, I think she is the only girl as sweet. Propaganda in my view is to present your political opinions and views to mass audience in an unbalanced manner, intend to mislead or brainwash. In "Debunking A Century of War Lies" they say during certain times media networks given quota that for every liberal they interview they must interview 2 conservatives, to mislead audience that conservative views were the majority opinion. In this show it is done far more obviously, opposing views are presented as the losing ones. I understand this show presented views identical to yours, so no doubt you are comfortable. But this show is intended for younger audience, so yeah, it is built to brainwash young generation. For me that is despicable. I apologize for my insolence. My views changed significantly since when I first posted. The youtube video "Debunking A Century of War Lies" [url][/url] showed majority of western media are propaganda machines, but I did not notice before. So this show is nothing new. To be honest it is not even that shameless. But still I would not enjoy watching propaganda. My views changed significantly since when I first posted. The youtube video "Debunking A Century of War Lies" [url][/url] showed majority of western media are propaganda machines, but I did not notice before. So this show is nothing new. To be honest it is not even that shameless. But still I would not enjoy watching propaganda. It called itself documentary, but I think we could agree it is more of a autobiography kind of show. The new hammer is more of an axe. You see that would have been cruel, he takes no joy in killing, and in 50 years he would do it again. In comics Tnanos collected infinity stones and killed half of the beings in universe, but that was to impress Miss Death, personification of death. He is a Titan eternal so he is immortal and invulnerable, can live forever without food or air. According to Wikipedia:”Thanos can absorb and project vast quantities of cosmic energy, and is capable of telekinesis and telepathy. He can manipulate matter and live indefinitely without food, air or water, cannot die of old age, is immune to all terrestrial diseases, and has high resistance to psychic assaults. Thanos is also an accomplished hand-to-hand combatant, having been trained in the art of war on Titan. Thanos has proven himself capable of briefly holding his own in battle against Odin, and of blasting Galactus off his feet. He is a supergenius in virtually all known fields of advanced science.” As you can see even without the stones he is kind of perfect being but not invincible. But with infinity stones he is omnipotent. Disney shills are running out, they can only hire so many. But they are here trying to change the narrative. I am seeing quite few new IDs defending the movie. I think none of the male characters was shown in positive light in the entire movie, which could be some sort of record. Finn continues to be the coward, Poe is now a hothead screwing things up, I think I said enough about Luke and Snoke. I don't think there is a female character shown in negative light either. That is more than just coincidence or incompetence, it is most likely done deliberately. We will find out from the next movie on how people perceived this one. Han is a male father figure as well, which of course means none is going to miss him. The fates of Snoke and Luke are the main reasons why I think the movie could have been better if no white feminist agenda were involved. I think the only reason they are portrayed as weak and dead is because they are male father figures and not allowed to shine. Luke's character assassination I think is what ruined the movie. How quickly can a $4 billion brand name become a liability ...... Hollywood liberal elites pat themselves on the back, kind of disgusting. It will be called “boobs and lightsabers” I guess Disney shills are deployed to this place as well.