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fc31's Replies

She promised she would always be his and he loved her and took that seriously. He killed her because she obviously lied to him. I think that is why even as he escaped he was drinking himself to death for loss of his love. My problem was more that Rian was reported listing all possibility of stories, in one of them Rey was a robot. But the fact that the story was not planned at all was really surprising. How seriously Disney is taking star wars? Don't they need to have a basic story before planning a trilogy. I kind of understand now why TFA was a copy of ANH, they probably had nothing to begin with, just making things up as they move along. All this explanation is quite good. But none of this is directly stated in the movie. Also what did Yoda have against Jedi order? In this movie Rey is actually more passionate, Kylo is mostly calm and wise. I don't know what they are. And her eye balls should pop in the vacuum of space, but who cares...... Star wars movies not used to be this ridiculous, this is a new thing. Force is strong but girl power is stronger. I don't think these new movies are star wars movies anyway. Can you find a movie that all female characters are portrayed in negative light, no exceptions? Who is bitchier? People bitching about a bad consumer product or the people bitching about other people bitching? They are force users, "Search your feelings, you know it is true". So yeah, it is true. That is not bad, thanks! Finn was downgraded from the sidekick of Rey to the sidekick of Rose, kind of demotion. I think Rose was put in for Asian market, she was not entirely necessary. But in the end the movie did badly in China, worse than all other star wars movies before. Feminism is really getting in the way of making money, I guess Disney is very much devoted to political agenda. The portrayal of Finn is actually quite disturbing even in TFA. The only black man in the movie is a janitor, coward and liar. In this movie he continues along these lines, no redemption for him. These white feminists not only put down men, they put down male minorities in much more degrading ways. Poe in TFA was portrayed at least in positive lights, in this movie he was a hothead and a problem. In this movie all men are put down, no exception, they no longer discriminate among men, I guess that is progress. Equality? Don't make me laugh. 50 years ago feminism meant something, these days it is just whiny women want preferential treatment in every possible way. How Finn and Luke are portrayed in the movie is a disgrace, showing feminism is nothing more than men hating. To lesser extend, Snoke too. Snoke was actually interesting, we want to know the origin of Snoke, how he became so powerful and where he was when the empower was in power. But Snoke is male and all father figures need to be weak and die. Leia of course has inhuman capabilities and can survive in space. I don't have a problem with female lead, but destroying Luke as a character for the sake of feminism (what other reason is there?) I think is why most fans hate this movies. A woman answers space phone in star trek caused outrage, but a black man (Finn) works as a space janitor is OK? Almost all the resistance senior leaders are white women, clearly no colored women are ever good enough. All the father figures (Snoke and Luke) in TLJ are mean, weak and beaten, but the mother figure (Leia) is wise, respectable and with inhuman capabilities (survived in space). One thing is clear in the new star wars franchise is just how ugly white feminism (or white female supremacy) is. The point is that if the focus is not white feminism, the movie could have been much better. Political agenda are ruining one of the most iconic cinematic franchise. You should have said white feminism ruined star wars, which is even apparent in TFA. A woman answers space phone in star trek caused outrage, but a black man (Finn) works as a space janitor is OK? Almost all the resistance senior leaders are white women, clearly no colored women are ever good enough. All the father figures (Snoke and Luke) in TLJ are mean, weak and beaten, but the mother figure (Leia) is wise, respectable and with inhuman capabilities (survived in space). One thing is clear in the new star wars franchise is just how ugly white feminism (or white female supremacy) is. Wikipedia page of Baizuo (as mentioned in the video) is also worth reading: [url][/url] They killed off Luke as a character, nobody wants to see him anymore, at least not in sequels. It is interesting that people calling themselves social justice warriors who are supposed to fight for social injustice end up calling names and trying to insult and bully everyone disagree with them. What is their difference from fascists anyway? If Disney is going to run the star wars franchise to the ground, which seems likely going to happen. I bet the third movie is not going to be much different from the first one (popcorn teen action comedy). It probably ends up nobody will have an lasting impression of new characters. At the current state of franchise people will probably still watch the third one, maybe not in theaters, but I doubt anybody is going to watch the Han Solo movie. Then there is a chance Lucas will be brought back on board or Lucas could buy back the franchise at a fraction of what he paid for.