MovieChat Forums > fc31 > Replies

fc31's Replies

The gauntlet should be a very simple mechanism to direct the power of stones, and to be honest I think it is a reach to say iron man was even able to build such a device. Thanos built his in the forge, in the heart of a neutron star, something built with that is more likely able to handle the power of stones. But you are right, the only way to test it is to use it. But the correct engineering way is to add stones one by one. Have you even watched the movie? Everyone was arguing who should be chosen to use the gauntlet. There was no designated user. Hulk argued that he was the most likely one to be able to do it and I think he was right. When Thanos tortured Thor to get Tesseract, all he did was let power stone touch Thor and Thor was dying because of it. So I don't think Thor can do it, or he might be able to do it and die because his body did not immediately disintegrate while touching the stone. But certainly not iron man. One blast from Thor his suit in 400% capacity. How much power do you think is in infinity stones? Tesseract (space stone) alone can power the entire planet. The tiny suit can contain the power of all 6 stones? You bend facts to that extend to suit your narrative, but ignoring the simple truth that it is the person needs to contain and control the power of stones, to achieve omniscience and omnipotence. Otherwise why not just build a huge machine to do the job? You got it all wrong. Iron man has his suit and all 6 stones for a while, long enough for him to build a gauntlet. Iron man is an engineer, not an idiot. So you understand he can't use infinity stones but emotionally you want him to be able to. But just think about it, if technology exists to let anyone with a death wish to use infinity stones and destroy the universe, then universe would have been long gone. Also as an engineer I can tell you that won't work. If he designed a suit to handle infinity stones, then it has to be tested. Remember how iron man first tested his suit? You start with one stone then work your way up. The way he was doing testing? He would have died during that process. Or on the hunt for Finn, calling him a traitor and beat him to an inch of his life or hold him by the neck like Vader did in his first appearance. I think the most successful female character of that type recently is Martian marine Roberta Draper in "The Expanse". You see men shivering in her presence and you wouldn't be surprised. And I think she was delightful unlike the cringe worthy performance in this movie. I would have Captain Phasma as a Jango Fett level character. Let her test Ray's power, give her some trouble and beat her around a bit. That could have been fun. Yeah, that is a total waste. Why hire a strong female actress with towering physique and doing nothing about it? At least have her smash through few rebels or have a commanding presence in some way. You see Darth Vader you see power and fear. You see Captain Phasma, you see another bureaucrat in uniform. They even failed at feminism, which is the main agenda of the film, that is just total failure. It could be a male or colored woman and they still would be able to sell toys, but it wasn't, was it? Yeah, they are all able to leave. The point is Rose did not. Finn was trying to sneak out, even he knew that was shameful. That was intentional. It was crappy, but intended. That is what happens when instead of writing a good story they try to get political. Captain Phasma I think was to show women, well, white women to think of it, in leadership positions. I think that was the whole point of that character. Rose was a brave soldier compare to the cowardice of Finn, I think that was the point. These days that is what feminism looks like. Exactly! I have problems with the Finn character more to do with it is actually degrading if anything to black people (and I am not black). He is a janitor, coward, liar and thief, drinks from a water fountain like an animal (and with an animal). One white girl bats eyelashes at him suddenly he is willing to kill the fellow people he grew up with like a mistreated loyal pet. Considering Kathleen Kennedy is a fanatic white feminist, which I think it is an overlap between feminist and white supremacist, that did not look coincidental. I liked infinity wars, no nitpicking there. I have problems with this one because it is lame. Don't think about time travel too much because it is a can of worms. According to Marvel setting each time you time travel you create a new timeline because you only travel through time, then when you come back, you can't just come back, in theory you created yet another time line. Because what if you traveled back to right before you traveled back? Now there would be two of you in your supposed "original" time line. What if you stopped yourself from traveling back? And to answer your original question. Judging from the simile on his face he obviously let his frozen double stay frozen. Or you think they had threesome? See, a can of worms. This is not a movie for smart people. There are many technologically more advanced civilizations such as Kree, could not figure out that, but iron man obviously can? And I am not going to go into details of time travel, which is full of holes no matter how you look at it. But this is too obvious. They decide to kill off iron man and let him die heroically, so screw the logic. Well, I am not going to let them disrespect my intellect like that. I will go with Disney employee.