MovieChat Forums > fc31 > Replies

fc31's Replies

I don't have a problem with female lead, but destroying Luke as a character for the sake of feminism (what other reason is there?) I think is why most fans hate this movies. A woman answers space phone in star trek caused outrage, but a black man (Finn) works as a space janitor is OK? Almost all the resistance senior leaders are white women, clearly no colored women are ever good enough. All the father figures (Snoke and Luke) in TLJ are mean, weak and beaten, but the mother figure (Leia) is wise, respectable and with inhuman capabilities (survived in space). One thing is clear in the new star wars franchise is just how ugly white feminism (or white female supremacy) is. The point is that if the focus is not white feminism, the movie could have been much better. Political agenda are ruining one of the most iconic cinematic franchise. You should have said white feminism ruined star wars, which is even apparent in TFA. A woman answers space phone in star trek caused outrage, but a black man (Finn) works as a space janitor is OK? Almost all the resistance senior leaders are white women, clearly no colored women are ever good enough. All the father figures (Snoke and Luke) in TLJ are mean, weak and beaten, but the mother figure (Leia) is wise, respectable and with inhuman capabilities (survived in space). One thing is clear in the new star wars franchise is just how ugly white feminism (or white female supremacy) is. Wikipedia page of Baizuo (as mentioned in the video) is also worth reading: [url][/url] They killed off Luke as a character, nobody wants to see him anymore, at least not in sequels. It is interesting that people calling themselves social justice warriors who are supposed to fight for social injustice end up calling names and trying to insult and bully everyone disagree with them. What is their difference from fascists anyway? If Disney is going to run the star wars franchise to the ground, which seems likely going to happen. I bet the third movie is not going to be much different from the first one (popcorn teen action comedy). It probably ends up nobody will have an lasting impression of new characters. At the current state of franchise people will probably still watch the third one, maybe not in theaters, but I doubt anybody is going to watch the Han Solo movie. Then there is a chance Lucas will be brought back on board or Lucas could buy back the franchise at a fraction of what he paid for. As bad as prequels were they are still essentially star wars movies. The sequels are something else. I bet Lucas is having mixed feelings. On one hand it is his life's work being ruined, on the other hands it is like "You think other people can do better than me, haha, I bet you want me back now". I think it is a mixed feminism and business decision to go that way. I bet Disney polled their key demographics, which is teenagers, and found out nobody wanted old people to act all wise and respectable. They want the parental figures (Luke and Snoke) to be mean, weak and beaten, young heroes to shine and take the lead. After all Disney can't rely on old star wars fans forever. Then again forgetting to tell a decent story and go for cheap laughs is a good way to make star wars nothing more than a popcorn movie. Local Chinese movies are dominating the Chinese box office in recent years. I think they still watch American movies but I guess the demand is much less than before. The fast and furious and transformer series are still doing pretty well in China. There is lack of local Chinese "big explosion every 30 seconds" style action movies. I think Chinese still watch that sort of American movies. I think this one performed worse than all the previous star wars movies. But star wars movies were never big in China. You see they started with prequels. Because China is now the biggest box office market outside US, only slightly smaller than US market in 2016. Failing to crack Chinese market is considered a significant failure for Disney. But feminism is more important than money, right? It looks like a low budget Chinese romantic comedy called "The Ex-Files 3: Return of the Exes" released a week before TLJ dominated Chinese box office and killed TLJ in the process: [url][/url] Or tens of thousands of Disney employees...... Other than real estate, none of "his" products are his. He is just the front man and promoter and in return he gets 50%. He has no problem in selling his name for cold hard cash, his name has been controversial anyway. That could mean he is very focused on short term gains, maybe as a president not focusing on long term future is not so great. But in a democratic environment there is no such thing as long term, the best he can do is 8 years, that is not exactly long term for a country. Social justice warriors and environmentalists are two different species. I think it will drop to around 7 in about a week. I thought the same. One thing is clear Rian Johnson is not a decent or honest person, even by Hollywood standard, not just him, everyone at the top of this project is no different. Now these awful people have control of star wars franchise, making trademark Disney teen movies. Then again we shouldn't be surprised, it is a Disney movie after all. So I was right, you do agree Mr Spacey is not at fault. That was my main point anyway.