MovieChat Forums > Star Wars: Episode VIII - The Last Jedi (2017) Discussion > Relax peeps - Luke was just a clone in T...

Relax peeps - Luke was just a clone in TLJ - real Luke is in stasis!

There's no other plausible explanation - wonky and wimpy Luke was just a malfunctioning clone.
He will emerge properly for episode IX.


You cannot clone ability to feel and use the force


I think you can as long as the clone was originally a force user. They may not have the knowledge but the ability should be there.




Yes force user have a biological link to the force..its the difference between them and the average joe that can't feel the force directly. It isn't a state of mind or anyone could do it. This was established in the PT and followed up by R1...that one character believed in the force with a passion but he could not use it



You're wrong. Look it up.


Unless The Raza has joined the Resistance, I don't think they have Transfer Transit in the Star Wars universe.


Why would a clone have a robotic hand?



The real Luke is still missing. Snokes and Ren were both playing a mind trick on Rey in trying to get her to join their side after fake Luke rejects her. BTW, Snokes is still alive. Another mind trick in which Ren pretends to kill Snokes in hoping she would join him after he helped her.

Or Leia wakes up to realize that she was dreaming and Han is safely home taking a morning shower.


haha! I thought about the dream reset thing too after these COMPLETE DISASTER OF MOVIE.

Milk a space cow and then float with your legs crossed.... seriously wtf!


That is kind of sad. Shows how desperate the fans are now, still in the denial stage.


Not sure what you mean ....I'm in denial of how awesome this movie really is???


I guess Disney shills are deployed to this place as well.
