GoTG Funeral Gatecrashers

The only 2 who had any business being there were Rocket and Nebula. Quill, Mantis and Drax met him for half an hour before they got dusted. Groot never met him at all. Utterly shameless.


If a complete stranger took a bullet for me, I'd absolutely attend his funeral. Stark sacrificed himself to kill Thanos and saved everyone.


Yes! They were showing their respect for the man that laid down his life to save them all.


He saved the entire universe, but there weren't billion trillion people at his funeral.


So, Tony Stark who was instrumental in Quill, Mantis, Drax and Groot living again, don't get to thank Stark because they hardly knew him?

When you replay that in your head, THAT sounds unreasonable to you?

Yeah, how utterly shameless of them :/


They were paying homage to the man whose sacrifice brought them back to life.


Plus, they consider themselves a family - if Nebula and (especially) Rocket show up to mourn Tony, they’ll all show up


Indeed, and even though they only spent minutes with him, I think they had the measure of the (Iron) man and appreciated the time they spent together on the battlefield.
