UncleRuckis's Replies

Seeing as how their actions are already going to cause changes to these alternate realities, why even bother with heisting the stones. For instance, Cap and Iron Man could have just popped into Avengers tower, prove that they are their future selves, and told themselves that they need to borrow the stones for about half a second. Same with Asgard. That is literally what Hulk did. Aegon Targaryan was a conqueror before he became king. Robert was a rebellious usurper who had zero claim to the Throne before he became king. Clearly, being a monarch has nothing to do with rite and everything to do with having the ability to take it, which she sure as hell does. Like Missandei said, she isn't their queen because of her lineage. She's queen because her people believe in her. Her army won't accept Jon as king no matter who his parents are(even if he did want it). She was going to have to pound the northern and southern lords into submission either way. Absolutely nothing has changed for her other than she has family now. Probably chilling at the Vale making thieves "fly" for fun. Why would Davos even be upset? Yeah it's slightly awkward, but they were on opposite sides of a war. Plus Tyrion was the one defending his(kind of) city. It would be completely out of character for him to hold a grudge towards Tyrion. Well there are like 15 major characters at Winterfell right now, so a scene with them trying to load up on two dragons could be kind of funny. Would Drogon carry Brans wheel chair in his mouth I wonder? So the fall back point is a thousand miles away with an army who would be ordered to kill them on sight? I wouldn't. I'd grab a bag of gold, head east until I hit the best whorehouse in Braavos, and enjoy myself until the night king shows up. To be fair, she was like 11 when she signed up for this show. Definitely a body double. A moving headshot would be hard, but if you stand your ground, aim, and let him get closer, it becomes much easier. Granted, it would take some huge stones to stand still while a charging zombie is coming at you, but it's much more preferable than popping off a bunch of half-assed shots and wasting precious ammo. I tried to think of the most annoying music which would make these things bash their skulls into the side of a fully armored truck and kill themselves. They even ripped off having a deaf child to justify the family all knowing how to sign. "Hanna would've had bad teeth even worse breathe and hairy armpits. That boy would've not tried to kiss her once she opened her mouth. " Have you ever met a horny 16 year old boy? They typically aren't that picky. Most of that was pretty harsh but I agree with the smoking indoors. Keep that shit on the balcony! Any decent guy would beat the living shit out of a man that just raped some girl. His own girlfriend(side piece but still) under his own roof no less! I don't feel bad for the rich kids, but apparently there were tons of workers on the ground who got screwed. To quote Timothy Olephant in The Girl Next Door, "make sure the juice is worth the squeeze". Frank is a one man army and they all know it. Going at him with a few guys is about as dumb as it gets. Yeah, I expected him to be some hideous creature under that mask. Dude is still pretty damn handsome. The scars might even make him more attractive to some women. It's kind of weird that in the show, other characters treat him like the elephant man. If it's the slow ones, I'll make my way to Wyoming and head further north if need be. If it's these sprinting fuckers from this god awful movie. I'll just head to my gun safe, grab my 9, and blow my head off because you aren't surviving this nightmare.