Quioby1's Replies

Cw fans. It's a tv show about a woman who dresses up like a bat and fights crime. That's childish Just like a show about a blind man fighting crime while being a lawyer, an alien with super powers and no earthly weaknesses fighting crime, or a guy with a bow and Arrow fighting crime. All super hero shows are childish. The audience is giving this genre too much credit. The haters are giving this genre too much credit. If people want to see this, good. Please enjoy the series. It's going to get ridiculous regardless of writers. Comics are cartoons. Assuming a live action wouldn't get ridiculous and stupid is foolish in my opinion. The fact people give this as much clout as they do is disappointing. It's not live action cartoon from a studio without original ideas. This is a classic to me. The costumes aren't great, but the story, long shots, and re-introduction of the original cast were great. Trick r treat Yep. I was wrong. His movie is doing very well. It looks like he's going back on top. Why does he care? Marvel movies are about entertainment. They're not deep by any means. They're filled with the artwork of hundreds, but it's not really art. Most will be forgotten due to the quantity put out. Super Hero movies are generally more about selling toys and tickets. Scorsese tends to make dramatic films with deep themes, character introspectives, and challenges to social perspectives on contrary figures. They tend to be snibbits of an era that age well. James Gunn should be happy Scorsese watches his films. Super Hero movies are entertainment. But, they're not much more than a Friday the 13th sequel. Fun, but easy to forget. They certainly used theater of the mind . The same thing worked for The Texas Chainsaw Massacre. It implies gore moe than shows it. She gave up on comedy to be a political commentator on an obnoxious tv show. She did a lot of entertaining projects in the 90's, but she became more political than funny near the 2000's. Its been nearly 20 years of her not doing things like Ghost, the Color Purple, Jumping Jack Flash, the Lion King, Sister Act, etc... she was awesome when she worked with Robin Williams and Billy Crystal. Now she just clucks politics with Joy Behar. Not sure. All I know is that people wanted more joker, but not leto joker. I don't think I agree. It's a time capsule. Just like a nightmare on elm street. Sure it's hokey, but remaking it would only lead to people trying to make it dark and it would be disappointing. Just imagine them casting the rock as Conner. Or Jason Mamoa. It would be distracting. I hate all the political crap from Hollywood. These are actors. They're not keepers of any moral high ground. They'd let Harvey Weinstein use them as visual guides for his sexual gratification just to get a role in a low grade movie. To give any attention to such stupid behavior from Mr Hamil is to give his political opinion too much importance. It's not important and his opinions don't matter unless it has something to do with the project hes working on. Im not a fan, but it's good you enjoy his content. Being a YouTube movie critic is hard work and he's obviously a good reviewer considering how long he's been doing reviews. Just saw it and I have to agree. The dollhouse was an awesome concept. I hope you watch it again. The water transition of scenes is still really awesome. The talked about it knowing it could happen. There was a mutual respect and friendship between them. Unlike a battle between light and dark, I assume it would be a respected competition of skill. It's not as if they would be apart afterwards considering that the winner would be imbued with the other's essence. I don't know. It seems like they grasped onto the feminism thing more so to create a publicity stir. Paul feig seemed more interested in letting the cast ramble than to construct a stronger script and plot. That's great for some comedies, but it didn't seem like a good idea with Ghostbusters. They had to do something similar to Dan Ackroyd. He wanted Ghostbusters to be in space. It was a sure thing. It didn't matter what he made because fans would go to the movie. So, yes, they made an investment on a low risk property. That being said, his property attempted to try something new and it led to what Star Wars is today. Star Wars was special because it was rare. Now, it's normal and the returns are going down. Rather than keeping the project contained and rare, they overproduced the product. Now, it's no different than another run of the mill franchise. Was it the hard way? I don't think so. They took the easy route and it's no longer Special. Just like DC movies. Not sure, but this movie is pretty. My only complaint would be that Venkman wasn't with the crew when they explored and fell into the river of slime.