MovieChat Forums > Joker (2019) Discussion > Reasons why this will suck

Reasons why this will suck

1) The rating. I’m waiting for the tears to flow when this is announced as a “dark” PG film.

2) It’s by a terrible comedy director, unless you loved “Starsky and Hutch”.

3) The majority of DC films are bad.

4) It’s an Elseworld story. So it doesn’t even have a bearing on the ongoing connected universe of DC films.

5) The Joker is a character that shouldn’t have an origin story. The comics have proved this, time and time again.

I can’t believe people are still making jizz in their pants over trailers for DC films. They are NEVER indicative of the quality of the film.


Don't forget the animated movie Batman: The Killing Joke which also depicts Joker's origin story that also did poorly. Sadly I have to agree with Bruno that this movie isn't going to do good ratings wise. Might do just decent enough though in the box office but we'll have to see when it's out. Nothing Batman worthy though that's for sure.


The biggest one is the "elsewhere" thing where even Nolan's Batman was like that. Meanwhile, Marvel did the complete opposite and had massive success.

I think most people hate Elsewhere stories because it robs all of the stuff we love about the character, the story as a whole, and so on.

You can't get more famous than Batman and Joker. Probably Billions of people who many generations, know them, but hey, let's pretend none of that exists and just make a Joker movie!

Someone special will have to convince me to pay to see this thing.


1. He won't sell poison via infomercial
2. He won't dance to Prince


I think the movie will be forgettable. There are so many comic nostalgia products flooding the market that the next flavor of the month will deflate the film buzz. If I'm wrong, that's cool. Someone will enjoy it.


Well, apparently it's cool.


Yep. I was wrong.


A trip down memory lane...


Hilarious to read this, at this point. Reads like a post of How Not To Judge Movies Before They Come Out. Bravo!!!
