MovieChat Forums > Ghostbusters (2016) Discussion > Too worried about making it really femin...

Too worried about making it really feminist or progressive?

Than making a quality product.


I don't know. It seems like they grasped onto the feminism thing more so to create a publicity stir. Paul feig seemed more interested in letting the cast ramble than to construct a stronger script and plot. That's great for some comedies, but it didn't seem like a good idea with Ghostbusters. They had to do something similar to Dan Ackroyd. He wanted Ghostbusters to be in space.


If you want a female Ghostbuster lead it's always best to go with a boy/girl team.

The feminist angle was clearly just a gimmick, nobody cares if they're all women it wasn't like any of them are sex symbols or massive box office draws or it being a story about social norms, so making them all women didn't matter anybody other than to the cast and crew it would seem.

The film was tonally different from the original, for instance the ghosts look very Disney where the original ghosts are a lot more grotesque and demonic.


"Paul feig seemed more interested in letting the cast ramble than to construct a stronger script and plot."

Ding ding ding we have a winner!

The thing is, if the movie was screamingly funny, nobody would care whether the movie was feminist or progressive (nobody sane, anyway). But since the movie is just moderately amusing, and not nearly as funny as the original, it gets picked apart. The real problem, IMHO the ONLY problem, is that the movie just isn't funny enough, and what laughs there are mostly come from Chris Hemsworth the supporting actor. If the leading ladies all had great laugh lines, the movie would have been a big win.


Would the film had been funnier if the Ghostbusters were all men? yeah maybe if you got different writers.


The original has a very unique style that 2016 doesn't come close to, it's worth saying that Bill Murray has a very unique screen presence that none of the women Ghostbusters match.


I think they forgot that Ghostbusters is a horror movie as much as it is a comedy, and just leaned too far towards comedy.


I think they forgot that Ghostbuster is an entertainment, not a political statement.

Ocean's 8 also has an all-female cast. It also flopped. But it was not hated unlike this stupid movie because they didn't blame the audience for not liking the movie and accused them as anti-feminism or whatever.

Just admit it, Paul Feig, your movie sucked. And it was your fault. It's okay, nobody's perfect. No need to blame others.


I'm not Paul Feig, but yeah this movie sucked. Disagree about Ocean's 8, as I do believe it's pretty hated.

However, I do think Ghostbuster tried to be entertaining, even if it failed. I just don't think the balance between comedy and horror was there, as it was in the original, and that's what failed for me personally.


Also who gives a shit if it's an all female cast, it's the script and quality that matters. An all female cast that was originally men is a gimmick,

Know how many people are are sexist in the real world, accusing audiences for being sexist is perpetuating that stigma.


Filmmaking is hard. Sometimes the result is good, other times it turned out bad. Gimmicky movie can be good too... this one was not.

But whatever the results, never blame your customers. That's unwise, or more accurately, just plain stupid.


I'm with you on this one, actionkamen. Ocean's 8 was not as hated as Ghostbusters because they didn't criticize its audience for being sexist.


Calling audiences sexist is just alienating movie goers and placing an emphasis on political views.

Would female Ghostbusters been less of a issue if it was a boy/girl team? yeah maybe if you got different writers.


A gimmicky movie was something the fans didn't want since it was a movie nobody wanted.


All female casts tend to be in romantic comedies than most films.

Making it an all female piece probably relegated the film to appeal to certain kinds of audiences.
