Quioby1's Replies

Sorry, but there was no range outside of more deadpan. Honestly, that was terrible. Nope. I haven't watched those shows yet. That's a fair idea. Though, I don't know his range. I've only seen him in Game Night. I agree. I didn't mind the pennywise spider... though it looked like it was wearing a diaper. My brother and I used to have friends over to watch her workout show. I don't think we paid much attention to what she was saying. Im watching it now. It's really bad. For me, the series begins and ends with Scream. 3 was epic failure and 4 was pointless. 2 is an okay sequel, but it's not a good movie. 1. I don't get the obsession over Sarah Michelle Gellar. She's never been interesting to me in any project. Sorry buffy fans. 2. The frat people are seriously awful 3. The Derek Sidney love story was ruined by Nev Campbell's wooden romance acting 4. The dialogue only works for Randy. 5. The final showdown is lame. Anyone who works or worked in a theater can tell you thap props are terrible for fleeing killers or fighting against them. 6. Sydney's theater scene is exceptionally cringeworthy. 7. The soundtrack is good, but the score sucks. There's more. I'm surprised that It still dissappoints me after not seeing it since it first came out on video. Im glad you're happy with it. Real question is: will it be rewatched? If not, it's not a good movie. It's easy. Just watch the performance. Hollywood is filled with shitty people who do awful things. I just watched scream, which was produced by Harvey Weinstein. The guy is a pig who used his influence to mistreat women. Regardless, Scream is a good movie. I like the Usual Suspects. Kevin Spacey is a creep, but it's a good movie. Rosemary's Baby is a classic, even if the director drugged and sodomized a teenager. Hollywood is filled with the drecks of society. Fortunately, they can be replaced when their actions are revealed. As for the gay comment, i don't think about it. Just like I don't think about my parents having sex. It's not my business nor should anyone need to troubled themselves with it unless the person could be hurting themselves. My wife and brother are fine with it. I hated it. It's more nostalgia mining. Terminator ended with T2 for me. Just like Star Wars ended with return of the Jedi or Indiana Jones ended with the last crusade. While these cash grabs rake it in with failed attempts to recapture lighting in a bottle, there are good movies being made. Just don't look to the theaters. Crafty Jason goes to hell is so fun because it'sso weird and disjointed. It's better than Jason takes Manhattan. She wasn't interested. She gave no sign of attraction. He just dropped trou when she was taking on a new environment. It's pretty gross without the power play. Add the coersion and it became completely inappropriate. I don't know which gay guys you hang out with, but my friends would probably tell him to f-off. I disagee with the gritty version. It's all lighthearted and fun through the series. Making it darker or grittier wouldn't gel with the first two. They'd have to redo the whole series and that wouldn't be as much fun. It's a tribute to the serials of the 50's and 60's. Lighthearted is better in that case. It would be hard to top yoga hosers. That was hard to finish. The lighting and atmosphere are good. The movie itself is not anything too interesting. I remember when it came out on HBO in the 90's. It didn't work for me then. I just watched it for the first time since then and it wasn't that bad. Interesting concept. I think this holds up. Jim Carey 90's flicks don't for me. I can't watch Ace Ventura, The Mask, or Dumb and Dumber anymore. Dumb theory:I think it was jason coming back to life. Why not? His mom said that he died, she carried out the murders as if he were telling her and her death lead to his corpse being reanimated. It's a dumb explanation, but that's not as important as all the fun we got from Jason in the sequels. He either reanimated or was a ptsd nightmare in the hospital and Alice just lost memoey of everything that happened between Mrs. Vorhees death and coming to.