MovieChat Forums > J.J. Abrams Discussion > If he wanted to introduce a whole new ge...

If he wanted to introduce a whole new generation of kids to Star Wars:

Then why wouldn't he just tell their parents to buy a DVD player and just show their kids the original trilogy??? Oh wait that's right that wouldn't make Disney 1 billion dollars, what was I thinking? LOL



Morons don't realise "ep7" is a soft reboot of the OT


It is worse than that, it was a soft reboot that completely goes out of its way to undermine the themes and characters of the original story. I found TFA and TLJ to be films that seemed to want to pay insult to the archetypes the OT used.


I know it's as if Disney wanted to make profit off of something they bought. Gee they sure have nerve!


So then the goal isn't to introduce a new generation to Star Wars?


They can do that while making money. Which they did.


Then the goal wasn’t to introduce a new generation , just telling the parents to buy a DVD player is much simpler than making a whole new movie. Plus it would have been more effective as the original trilogy is much better and better received than these new films


And what stands a chance at making more money? Selling old films which most people by this point already have or creating sequels that are new and in theaters? Hmmm? Don't know much about making money do you?

You realize they have to recuperate the money they spent to buy the rights to Star Wars correct? Otherwise the purchase of the rights would be a complete loss. I'm glad you're not in charge of running a business good grief.


That's fine then they should just be honest about what their intentions are and not lie. The idea was never to introduce a new generation to Star Wars, it was to make money.

If introducing a new generation to Star Wars really was his main intention then he's doing it the hard way, a much much much harder way.


Tell me any producer of films that puts their product out there without the end goal of making money I will wait. You are introducing a new generation to Star Wars by making new films. Kids see these films as well.


Where did I say that filmmakers don't want to make money??? I didn't so don't put words in my mouth, but JJ Abrams flat out said his goal was to introduce a new generation to Star Wars, if that was his main intention he's making this so much harder than it needs to be.


He did introduce a new generation to it by releasing new films.

I find it funny you honestly think they should listen to someone who has never worked in the movie industry like you.


And he did it the hard way, he had to write a script (well maybe not because it's just ANH all over again), hire actors, get an entire production/editing team together, pay everyone and if his goal was to reintroduce an entire new generation to Star Wars all he had to do was say "Parents go buy a DVD player, pick up a copy of Star Wars and show it to your kids", instead of taking years to complete that would take about 10 seconds.


How much has Disney made off these new films again? More than what they would have if they followed your silly strategy.

Everyone already has those movies by now smart one.

Yeah it was more work but in turn you receive more money and squire more fans. There are kids which have no interest on watching old films.


So then the intention was to make money and not introduce kids to Star Wars correct?


Kids like watching newer films as opposed to old. So the intent was to introduce more people to it and it worked.


And he did it the hard way, if he went by my plan then it would have required far less effort on his part and the kids would have seen better films, it's a win win situation for everyone, that is unless of course it's not about introducing kids to Star Wars and really about you making money (YES I UNDERSTAND THAT'S THE POINT OF A BUSINESS, if you only want to make money then don't say that you're intention is something else).


Also respond to my PM


He didn' say he didn't want to make money. He said introduce new fans to it and he did. So no lie was told. Any creator of a big budget film who says they font intend to make money is lying through their teeth. They've made profit with your way they wouldn't.


He did lie, there is such a thing as lying by omission.


They made profit with your approach they wouldn't.


So then the point was to make money not what JJ said correct???


And that's not even the point of this thread, the point is he did it the harder and less effective way.


Um no. He introduced new people to the series by releasing new films period. They bought the rights for a hefty price bud they gotta make money.


Then he did it the harder way and the people saw lesser films.

What the guy is saying makes no sense at all.


Nope he made money. With your approach it would fail.


So then the point was to make money thanks for conceding


As it is with any film. Thanks for conceding. He did also bring in new fans. With your approach he wouldn't have made money or introduced new fans.


He would have brought in more fans by just reshooting the originals as they are better films and it would have been easier. That is unless of course it’s actually the money that’s what’s really important which he conveniently left out. The guy is a hypocrite and a liar


Your whole premise is just wrong. JJ Abrams telling people to buy a DVD player would not reach as many as a full-fledged SW film in the theaters.

There's also no evidence that rebooting it scene for scene would be easier than his own screenplay that he finished in a mere two weeks.

Also, SW fans would not tolerate the original trilogy getting the same treatment as Psycho did with Psycho 1998. That would set up his reboot for some serious boycott campaigns.


Exactly! Thing is he can't see reason because he hates the new films so bad. I get disliking them but he is not being logical. When a company buys the rights to something they intend to make money off of it. You make money by introducing it to new fans. In which you make much more by making new films as opposed to telling people to buy a DVD player. Most people at this point already own those films by now.


So again the intention wasn’t to reintroduce Star Wars to a new generation of kids , if it was he would have followed my plan


Your plan either involved telling them to buy a DVD player which, again, would not reach as many people as a full-fledged film. And your plan of giving Star Wars the Psycho 1998 treatment has no guarantee that more people will watch it. Its just silliness on top of silliness.


This isn't my plan, I never said that I wanted to introduce a new generation of kids to Star Wars, what I am saying is that if this truly were Jar Jar Abrams plan he is doing it the hard way, there are much easier ways to "introduce a new generation of kids to Star Wars".


Yet you cannot name an easier way that would reach as many people.


Sure I can just watch the OT, they are better films and it’s easier


There's no way for JJ Abrams to broadcast that message to as many people that saw Force Awakens. And even if he could, he'd have to come up with an extra incentive for them to watch it.. something more than "trust me, you'll like it."


It’s quite simple, just put out trailers and advertisements that say “parents show your kids the OT they are really good”, That’s a lot simpler than what he went through


It just doesn't feel like I'm having a conversation with someone who fully grasps the idea that trailers of a guy telling people to watch something old isn't going to appeal to as many people as a new film.

No offense meant by this, and I'm serious about that, but are you on the spectrum of autism?


I don’t feel that you fully grasp that if I take jar jar at his word he is making his task unnecessarily difficult to accomplish , my way is a lot easier that is Unless of course he’s lying


You keep saying your way is easier but you don't explain how. Repeating it like that makes you out to be either a troll or someone on the autism spectrum.


With my way he wouldn't have to bother writing a script, hiring actors, hiring a production crew, editing his film, etc. Instead he could just spend 10 seconds of his life telling parents to just show their kids the OT and they can choose to listen to him or not just like they can choose to go see his crappy movie or not.


First you need to find the number of people that watched Force Awakens. Then you need to find out how Abrams can possibly get that many people to watch the OT. You think he can accomplish that with a trailer asking people to watch it, but you have no way of reaching Force Awakens numbers.


Pretty sure more people would rather watch the OT than Abrams piece of crap.


Yet more people saw Force Awakens in theaters than they saw Empire Strikes Back, Return of the Jedi, all of the 1997 re-releases, Phantom Menace, Attack of the Clones or Revenge of the Sith.


I'm talking about today, the OT is more well loved than the Disney Films, and again I will bring you back to what he said he wanted to do: HE'S DOING IT THE HARD WAY!!!

If he went by my plan it'd be a win-win situation for everyone, that is of course if he was truly serious about his goal.


And the Disney films are more loved than the prequels are.


Stay on topic, this discussion isn't about the prequels, I'm not going to let you to deflect and talk about whatever it is you want to talk about.


He is as biased as they come. If he does not like something he can't look at it logically. Since he hates the Disney Star Wars films he puts his fingers in his ears and yells at the top of his lungs to avoid any sort of logic. It is not you it is just him bud do not worry.


He according to you did remake a new hope. So he did do that with tfa according to you lol. The film made over 2 billion dollars so it was a success.


Yet just rewatching A New Hope would have been easier for everyone and the kids would have gotten to see a much better film.


And not make over 2 billion dollars while young kids who have no interest in the old don't get introduced to it? Yeah I think Disney will pass on that.


So then the primary goal wasn't to reintroduce a new generation to Star Wars, they had another hidden agenda correct???


List me a film that is big budget where the primary goal is not to make money. I will wait.


That wasn't the goal, the goal was to introduce a new generation of kids to Star Wars. At least according to Jar Jar Abrams that was the goal, so was he being truthful or not? I will wait.


He achieved that goal lol. So yep he was lol.


And he could have made it so much easier on himself, instead of devoting years of his life to writing, production, auditions, etc. he could have accomplished a lot more in about 10 seconds by following my plan, that is of course if the main objective is what he said it was.


Nah his way was better. Your way sounds lame.


Mine achieves his goal more effectively.


Nah I would take the money.


So then making TFA wasn't about what he said it was right?


Lol no it was. He achieved his goal.


Not according to you, according to you making money was the goal which isn't what Jar Jar said.


He did bring in new fans as evident by it's success.


Yet just parents showing their kids the OT would have been a better solution as it would have required far less effort (we are assuming money doesn't matter since Jar Jar never mentioned that) and the kids would have seen better movies.


Nah that is you. He wanted to introduce it to a new generation and make money. He did both lol.


So then he lied by omission.


You're going around in circles man, just man up and admit that Jar Jar lied.


Nah I am actually am glad fans of the OT hate these new films it makes me like them even more. Star Wars has always been overrated in my book. I do not think the OT is anything special.


He lied, his intention wasn't what he said it was.


Disney owns Star Wars now. Sorry bud you lost, and no he did not lie.


Yes he did he said his intention wasn't what it really was.


Keep on hating Star Wars. I am glad your trash franchise got ruined it was overrated to begin with. Thank God Disney ruined your childhood.


I will, I enjoy watching these stupid movies fall flat on their faces.


Oh yeah is that why TFA, Rogue One, and Last Jedi grossed over a billion each. Over two billion in TFA case? Solo is the only one which bombed. So you are 1/4 man. Not a good batting average ouch!


Funny you'd bring up box office results, according to the box office a certain film you hate so much is a good film.


Lol and the funny thing is TFA and Last Jedi absolutely destroy that piece of trash film.


Yet according to the box office it's a great film yet you just called it trash, sorry bud you gotta let this one go, it's a great film by your standards.


The fan outrage over TLJ is also unlike anything I've ever seen, I love watching people wake up and realize these films are trash and that I was right the whole time.


I find it funny because you people are not getting Star Wars back. Disney bought the rights no amount of crying will change that.


By this point I don't even care, I just enjoy watching the fans turn against them.


I am glad you fans will continue to watch this unfold and destroy your childhood. Star Wars is trash in my book.


Again I don't care by this point, I choose to only consider the OT and Prequels as canon, I just enjoy making fun of the Disney Films, it just amuses me.


The prequels are worse by all the data. So I will choose what the majority thinks over someone like you.


I really don't care, by this point I just enjoy watching the new films get made fun of. It amuses me.


You will line Disney's pockets just like you did with TFA do not worry.


By this point I don't care, I just enjoy making fun of these movies, it's kind of a hobby for me.


Good so you will be buying a ticket awesome.


Strawman I never said that.


It was a sure thing.

It didn't matter what he made because fans would go to the movie. So, yes, they made an investment on a low risk property.

That being said, his property attempted to try something new and it led to what Star Wars is today. Star Wars was special because it was rare. Now, it's normal and the returns are going down. Rather than keeping the project contained and rare, they overproduced the product. Now, it's no different than another run of the mill franchise. Was it the hard way? I don't think so. They took the easy route and it's no longer Special. Just like DC movies.


Exactly! He didn’t care at all about introducing a new generation to Star Wars he just wanted to make money which is fine but don’t pretend you are doing something virtuous when you aren’t


You say the returns are going down but only Solo came short of the prequels as far as revenue. Disney's third movie, TLJ, made more than their 2nd movie, Rogue One.

Can't base it on Solo. Solo was a movie nobody asked for that KK pushed for, and ended up having massive rewrites and reshoots and even had to fire the original directors. On top of all that, it was moved up six months earlier to make room for Mary Poppins.


Funny you bring up TLJ, you should check out youtube and the relentless hate for that film.


You should direct your eyes to the data of the prequels vs the Disney films. TFA beats the prequels on all aspects of data. So objectively it is a better film according to the data.


Where did I ever compare the new films to the prequels?


Exactly no retort. The prequels are trash.


When was this ever part of the discussion? Learn to stay on topic and stop trolling my thread.


Also it's pretty sad that you have to deflect to something not a part of the conversation in order to keep your head above water.


Nah I just figured rubbing data in your face is great. I mean you did for years when it came to movies I did not like.


Which means you don't have an intelligent argument which is very pathetic on your part.
