MovieChat Forums > Batwoman (2019) Discussion > Who was this made for?

Who was this made for?

Comic book fans are some of the most outspoken haters of SJW culture, films staring gays or minority people, progressive thinking, etc. Why make a show targeted to a demographic that hates this kind of stuff? Non-comic book fans aren’t interested in the nerdy shit and won’t watch it, and comic book fans dont want to see a lesbian feminist fight crime.


Batwoman has been in comic books since 1956.


/Batwoman has been in comic books since 1956./

She has but she has not been part of the CW super SJW woke universe until now.


Wikipedia! Batwoman was introduced in 2006 in the seventh week of the publisher's year-long 52 weekly comic book.


Wikipedia! Batwoman began appearing in DC Comics stories beginning with Detective Comics #233 (1956)


That is the time when they rewrote the original Batwoman into a jewish lesbian. The original one wasn't a lesbian, as for the religion of the first one it was never discussed, but for some reason the writers decided to make her jewish and a lesbian... Why they even bothered with defining her religious belief in the revision is a mystery to me as it isn't something that anyone would really think mattered.


sure you're not getting confused with catwoman?


Didn't know that about comic fans. The local store in my city loves to put up all sorts of SJW shit. Puts me off going in and possibly spending money so all good.

I think they just use TV and film now as a device to spread their disease to be really honest. Supergirl is another show very heavy with the PC nonsense and it rates badly. You read lots of people complaining about that as well. I don't think they make these shows to draw a large audience anymore. They are like nerds who have gotten hold of the remote control and can do what they like.

On the bright side, the dumber they get the more people start to walk away.


Good post. Thank you. I am an adult. I read my last comic book a loooong time ago. I created the first digital comic book over 20 years ago. Why the hell would I want to see Batwoman? I presume there is a comic book series about her. If so, why? We had Batgirl (Joker-raped, Birds of Prey, paralyzed). What purpose does Batwoman serve, other than usurping a heterosexual white male with a homosexual chick?

This is the way the world ends
This is the way the world ends
This is the way the world ends
Not with a bang, but a whimper
- TS Elliot, heavily edited by Ezra Pound


When I first heard of this show I thought "Batwoman" was some kind of Feminist revision of "Batgirl" girl being an offensive term to the Femifascists. So to discover there is a Batwoman as well as a Batgirl is kind of over kill to me. Aren't they the same thing?

It is about trying to ursurp a male character but it's also further proof of how creatively bankrupt they are. Just keep milking the same ideas, changing the names, race etc but in the end it is the same idea.


Yeah basically it's all a hark back to 1954 when Batwoman (Kathrine Kane) was introduced to counter the thought that Batman was Gay and give him a love interest. All due to a book in 1954 called Seduction of the Innocent by American psychiatrist Fredric Wertham, that warned that comic books were a negative form of popular literature and a serious cause of juvenile delinquency.

That book lead to a Congressional inquiry about comics and it was why they went from pretty much straight-up Detective type Stories to more toned down children's fare, have to remember how fundamental Christian things were back, you know like how they could only film Elvis from the hips up.

It was around the same time that Joker went from a murderous fiend to practical Joker until later on, they also introduced Betty Kane in 1961 as BatGirl to give Robin a love interest, she was the niece of Kathrine Kane. Same thing happened in 1964, was the reason that Aunt Harriet was introduced first in the comics then the 1966 TV Series to reduce the potential for homosexual interpretations of the Wayne/Grayson relationship.

All this stuff now is basically a counterpoint to what was all anti all that up until about 2006, seems in each decade or so there is some type of backlash about something. We are now in an era where all this is now what the people who want to tell everyone else they should be doing/reading/watching are up to, we've gone from white wash the gay and premarital stuff or be damned to embrace it or be damned. Elvis corrupted the youth then The Beatles and so on and so-forth from generation to generation.

In all the instances since at least the 50's there never seems to be a middle ground it has to be one way or the other.

This is a good read about that book mentioned above if you have time:


This was made for anyone who likes comic book or action shows. I don't read comic books, but I enjoy comic book shows and movies. I have no objection to lesbian feminist superheroes and enjoyed the pilot episode.


Captain, we found 'em!

Yarrrghhh, thee only one who isn't a fuckin idiot??

*brawwwk* not an idiot, not an idiot!

So, it appears the tales were true...there really is one who can use logic and common sense!



Well except he has no taste. I watched the first episode and even if you ignored the PC SJW spin on thing the show was just horrible, bad writing and horrible acting. Two things that make any show bad whether you like the underlying story or not.


Made for soyboys and hippies with manbun hairs that worship strong women and want to become like them. This terns their estrogen levels to peak conformity and it shows how brave a woman can be.


This has no target.

The goal is to spread their faith (and yeap, I use the word 'faith'), and because of that, they're willing to take losses.

Kind of similar to Ghosbusters or Last Jedi: they could have made much more money if they would have been politically neutral instead of going woke. Same with Marvel: next cycle, which is going woke, will make much less money than the previous one. But they went woke because that's the right thing to do (if you belong to a Cult that commands it).

People are willing to lose money for the sake of the their Faith. Money is huge drive, but religious faith is even bigger.


It is because they know it will work in turing some people to their beliefs just like a radio station can play a bad song long enough and eventually people will accept it as being good. This is just a loss leader for their crusade.


It will work with some people. It won't work with some others.

The following step should be a religious war sooner or later. I think that's the main reason behind the anti-gun movement.


Cw fans.


This wasn't actually made for anyone, but a minority of perpetually outraged idiots who have nothing better to do than ruin everyone's day by being offended. The worst part is, the idiots writing these shows either are completely in the dark about what the American viewing public wants, or they just plain don't care anymore. Obviously dropping ratings and loss of revenue doesn't mean anything to them, so they'll do whatever the heck they want, and screw the public. Too bad they refuse to learn their lesson on just how bad these shows and movies are. They would be earning a ton of money if they quit writing SJW/identity politics crap in all their stuff.
