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Alicia Silverstone defends her 9-year-old son’s long hair

“Clueless” star Alicia Silverstone is defending her 9-year-old son Bear’s long hair.

In a recent post celebrating Bear's tresses, Silverstone said she is proud of him for knowing who he is.

"One time my son was made fun of by other kids because of his hair on a bus ride to surf camp," she wrote in part. She had already scheduled a haircut for the next day, but to her surprise, he asked to keep his locks long.

“…When we showed up, he said ‘please give me a trim so I can grow it to my waist,’” she wrote. “That’s my boy! He knows who he is.

She added that she believes we should “all try to embrace our children and who they choose to be without any judgment.”

“He loves his hair and chooses to have it long. Mama and Papa aren’t going to stop him from being him,” she wrote. “He’s beautiful and we love his hair!”

Silverstone, who shares Bear with her ex, Christopher Jarecki, has talked about her parenting style before.

At a summit in May, she said they let Bear go back and forth between his parents' homes when he wants to.

“We ask Bear where he wants to be,” she told TODAY Parents at the time. “But then I started to wonder if that was too much pressure. So, I checked in with him and he said, 'I love that I get to decide.' We both have different perks!"

Silverstone also said that when Bear is acting up, she gently explains how the behavior is making her feel and he stops.

“I’ll use a serious voice but I never yell. I’ll say, ‘Sweetheart, Mommy is getting upset,’” Silverstone explained. “I’ve been yelled at and I’m not a fan of it.”

The “Babysitters Club” star also famously wrote that placing a child in a crib is “tantamount to child neglect,” credited her choices for their unique bond and as of May, they still shared a bed.

Silverstone is happy to march to the beat of her own drum when it comes to parenting, but she pointed out her son's fashion choices echo that of some pretty legendary celebrities.

"Brad Pitt… Harry Styles…. Jason Momoa… even Jesus 😉... all long hair! Just sayin.. 😂❤️," she wrote.

This former A/A- list mostly movie actress turned B+ lister always looking for work is someone all of you know. She is desperate to join The Club and is doing everything she can to get the attention of the other members. Alicia Silverstone (Alicia Silverstone defends her 9-year-old son’s long hair)
#1 - Naomi Watts
#2 - Sandra Bullock
#3 - Charlize Theron
#4 - Angelina Jolie
#5 - Scarlett Johoansson
#6 - Megan Fox


He finally had his hair cut, looks a lot better. I do feel bad for him when people teased him.


No matter how much we see our children as our own, they’re also individual people who should have autonomy over their own bodies. This can sometimes be a melancholy truth for parents when snuggly babies grow into big kids with lots of opinions. Alicia Silverstone just showed us how to handle it with grace when she posted a video of 9-year-old son Bear getting his long hair cut very short.

“Yes, It’s true. Bear cut his hair!!” Silverstone wrote on Instagram Sunday. “My baby’s growing up 😭💔 I miss his hair!!!!! Was it his decision? Yes. Did I cry inside as I watched him get it cut? Maybe… but did I try to stop him? Not for one second.”

OMG we are nearly crying ourselves at seeing those gorgeous locks chopped clean off in the video. But one look at Bear’s smile should erase any sadness. This is definitely not the case of a child getting a haircut because his parents are making him or because some bullies shamed him about gender norms.

“The reason he chose to keep it for as long as he did was because he loved it so much!!! He just wanted to try something new,” she explained. “Although I have a feeling he’ll find a way back to his long hair again in the future. No matter what though, I will always support my sweet, caring, and precious little boy in every decision he makes.”

Silverstone’s followers noted his haircut last week, when she posted a video of them visiting an animal sanctuary and cooking up a vegan meal for Thanksgiving. She waited a beat before sharing a peek at what went down at the salon.

Back in September, Silverstone had written about Bear’s reaction to being teased by some kids for his long hair on the bus to surf camp. (Of all the places for kids to be conservative about hair length!)


The actress also set the record straight about why Bear chose to cut his hair in the first place. Initially, reports circulated that he made the choice after being bullied at school, but Silverstone makes it clear that was an unrelated incident. “One reporter totally made a false assessment of the situation. I had posted a story maybe a few months ago where I was talking about how proud I was of Bear, because he had had one day in his life where these kids were calling him a girl, and saying he wasn’t a boy. I was so impressed, because the next day we happened to have our hair appointment on the books, and when he walked in, the guy said, ‘What do you want do to do with your hair?’

“Bear said, ‘I want to grow it as long as I can,’” Silverstone continues. “‘I want to get it down to my waist.’ So the story I posted on my Instagram was about how proud I was that in the face of being made fun of this one time, he was like, ‘Screw you, my hair is amazing!’ I thought was pretty incredible, and I was proud of the little boy that he was. Then I also posted recently that he cut his hair, and someone decided that he cut it because of that incident. But that incident was like two-and-a-half years ago, and it's completely incorrect. So there you have it!”


The blind items seem to insinuate that the "Club" consists of actresses who want to raise their kids as transgender.

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This foreign born A-/B+ list mostly movie actress who is an Oscar winner/nominee is trying to withdraw from The Club because they want her to be more public and vocal. She is having a tough time doing that. ("The Club") (BLIND ITEM REVEALED 07/04/2019)
#1: Naomi Watts (Liev Schreiber) ("What a Pretty Girl". Naomi Watts' Son Is More And More Often Spotted Wearing Dresses)
#2: Sandra Bullock
#3: Charlize Theron (Charlize: My child I thought was a boy is... a girl! For the first time, the Hollywood actress reveals why her adopted child Jackson is wearing dresses. And her inspiration? Her own mother — who shot her father)
#4: Angelina Jolie (Shiloh, transgender child of Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt, will soon begin hormone treatment)
#5: Scarlett Johoansson
#6: Megan Fox (Actress Megan Fox on Gender Neutral Children: Let Them Be Who They Are ...) (BLIND ITEM REVEALED 07/15/2019)
