MovieChat Forums > TMC-4 > Replies

TMC-4's Replies

[b]Who was the rudest celebrity you’ve met?[/b] [quote][url][/url] [i]The rudest was Bo Derek.[/i] I was an officer in the Navy stationed overseas and asked to escort Ms Derek around the base when she visited with a USO tour. My job was to ensure she didn’t get lost, was safe and didn’t go anywhere civilians were not allowed. Celebrity is not really my thing, but it was my collateral duty, so I promised my CO I’d do the job well. I did think it would be cool though, considering she was kind enough to volunteer her time with the USO and visit us stationed away from our families, and I remembered her as a pin up long (long, long) ago. Unfortunately, she was a rude, petulant brat - shocking considering her age. She travelled with her sister and hangers on and was more interested in people fawning over her than actually visiting with the military personnel. Her sister and her fought constantly. At one point, after fighting over the headphones to their discman, she turned to me and rudely said ‘You need to go get me a headphone splitter.’ Here I was trying to be cordial and a good host, so I was taken aback at her rudeness and said ‘Excuse me?’ She barked “i want a headphone splitter so we can both have headphones plugged in. You need to sort that out.’ I calmly told her that I was ordered to escort her around base for safety and base security and was not her go-for. I also told her that she was on an overseas military installation, not a mall where she could slip into a Radio Shack and pick up whatever she wanted. She said ‘Oh, you’re useless’ and went to tell on me to her manager. She continued to be demanding and dismissive to everyone she came into contact with unless they were somebody of great import (i.e. COs or high ranking military officers), at which time she became charming to them.[/quote] Quora I suppose, is a bit like Wikipedia where people aren't necessarily "paid" so much as they volunteer. Anybody and just about everybody could contribute to put it in another way. And what's wrong with not liking to let questions go unanswered? That's kind of the whole point of asking questions in the first place. You want to learn something or gain information on a particular subject, so you go seek out people who know more about the matter. It's absurd to suggest that sometimes it's not in the best interest to let questions go unanswered because how are we going to learn then? I didn't directly or actively ask a real life actor such a question intentionally. Let me try to explain for a minute. Quora is sort of like a polling venue, where you solicit a question and various "experts" in the area will answer if or when prompted. In other words, it isn't like a direct message to one individual to another. So don't turn it around and say that it's all my fault for the way that Rebecca Metz reacted because I didn't directly contact her in the first place. Nobody forced her to answer my question to put things lightly. I kind of laugh at that remark about websites making money by trashing celebrities because what does that make Twitter then? Jimmy Kimmel to give you a better idea, has a recurring segment in which celebrities read mean and nasty tweets about them. By that logic, Twitter makes money off of trashing celebrities in itself. Also, what are gossip sites devoted to "blind items"/rumors/innuendoes (that hints to celebrities' apparent dirty laundry and their skeletons in the closet) like Crazy Days and Nights about them? If Rebecca Metz is going to complain about cheap websites that make money off of trashing celebrities, then one needs to understand that you can't be thin skinned if you're going to be an actor. Celebrities are of course, public figures and are therefore, frequently the subject of scrutiny if not criticism. Simply put, if you can't reconcile with that fact then you need to find another profession (in the private sector). I responded in the comments section to what Rebecca Metz said in that I simply put didn't appreciate the (in my mind, hostile and condescending) tone that she took in several of her responses to me in Quora. Well, sure enough, she soon disabled the comments section on her account and presumably, muted me. Maybe it was a case of me snapping at someone who I felt repeatedly went out of their way to act like they were too good to give a formal or reasonable answer to my "dumb/ignorant/clueless" questions about her profession. If it were up to me, I would've replaced Julie with Chase Meridian. I mean, why else would they cast another tall Australian woman to play Batman's girlfriend? But I guess with Val Kilmer gone and George Clooney in as Bruce Wayne, that wouldn't have been the best option. Plus, I'm not sure that it would've been worth the trouble to bother Nicole Kidman if the role was going to be so miniscule. [url][/url] [quote][b]What’s Bad:[/b] The basic story is pretty far-fetched. It would’ve been easy enough to re-direct the planes to the nearest suitable airport where they could land rather than leaving them up in the air until they run out of fuel and become falling bombs. The aforementioned plane crash scene can be pretty disturbing in the post 9/11 era, even if the movie was released 11 years prior. Dennis Franz’s character is quite annoying. I was always astounded that Roger Ebert gave the original film a low rating primarily on account of Paul Gleason’s character, yet let Franz, who was even more of an idiot, pass. Finally, Sadler, while effectively evil, isn’t on the same level as Alan Rickman.[/quote] Why couldn't John just tell Lorenzo that Col. Stuart's crew were using blanks instead of being so dramatic and carelessly putting his own life at risk? Was it because Lorenzo was so obtuse to what John was trying to tell him? [url][/url] [quote]First, I don’t know that Ms. Barrymore was talking about all gun owners. I would like to give her the benefit of the doubt and hope that she is simply talking about the cowards who commit mass murders or really any murder. Still, there are some people who think that all gun owners are villains. I’ve had spirited discussions with people who believe that guns are a man’s way of compensating for an inferior penis size (they don’t have much of a reply when I bring up the fact that many women also own guns). They also like to make the gun thing into a lack of machismo. If not wanting to face someone with just my firsts when he is a better fighter or is armed with a gun or knife, then I’m an absolute inveterate coward. I don’t want to die to prove that I’m not some kind of ninja or superhero. No thanks. Still, I’d like to think that’s just common sense. Soldiers and law enforcement officers carry firearms. Would that statement also apply to them? I usually think of people who sign up to put their lives on the line as almost stupidly brave. Certainly braver than I am. Are we also going to claim that those who choose to simply trust the police or their ability to run and hide are somehow braver than those who are willing to face a killer? I’m afraid that, if the quote is correctly attributed and is also intended to be directed at all gun owners, I have to disagree. [b]This is yet another example of situational irony being highly attractive to those with a pronounced case of [i]Dunning–Kruger syndrome[/i], just like “Israelis are the real Nazis” or “Vaccines cause problems far worse than the diseases they cure.” Both are about as believable as, “I just read it for the articles.”[/b][/quote] [url][/url] [b]Plot Hole:[/b] *The whole plot begins with the US government transporting a high-value prisoner to a civilian airport instead of the nearby military airfield. *The terrorists hold the planes hostage in the air by shutting down the lights at Dulles Airport. Given the amount of time and fuel the planes are depicted as having, they could have easily made it to dozens of other civilian or military airports. Any of the three other airports in the DC area could have warned the airborne planes with their own non-crippled radio system and then the terrorist threat evaporates. *Colonel Stuart's men also have control over all tower operations and radio communications and some instrument readings in what may be a case of Hollywood Hacking. That's how they pancake the plane as proof of their threat. A piece of fridge logic does set in when the other planes don't land after the first crash. Debris on the field? *The snowmobile shootout: the "terrorists" fire on Stuart's men with blanks and switch to live ammo to shoot at McClane. That is impossible, as blank rounds can't generate enough gas pressure to cycle the action of an autoloader (which they were clearly using) without an adapter. Firing live ammo in a blank-adapted gun will destroy it. If you've ever seen Drew Barrymore as Amy Fisher back in the early '90s, with her off-putting gruff Long Island girl accent, that's how I would imagine her sounding like as Harley Quinn. [url][/url] [url][/url] [quote]It started in China [R212]. Blame those people who can't stop eating everything that moves and their disgusting sanitation and hygiene practices. —Anonymous reply 213 16 hours ago[/quote] [b]WTF Happened to JOHN CUSACK?[/b] [url][/url] [quote]WTF Happened To This Celebrity? – The JoBlo series that examines the careers of stars and filmmakers who may have fallen out of the spotlight, and tells where they are now! From early favorites like SAY ANYTHING to cult classics like GROSSE POINTE BLANK and BEING JOHN MALKOVICH, actor John Cusack certainly seemed like he could do it all -- whether in a romcom, drama, big-budget action flick or end-of-the-world epic, his everyman underdog appeal was always an asset. But over the past decade, the reliable star’s career has somehow veered into direct-to-video doldrums. Put some Peter Gabriel on the boombox as we check out “WTF Happened to John Cusack!”[/quote] [url][/url] Happy Man - Kevin Hart Elizabeth Stuckey - Rachelle Lefevre Bridget - Julia Roberts David Morse - Jack Quaid James Morse - James Caan Kit De Luca - Aubrey Plaza Philip Stuckey - Gary Cole Barney Thompson - Eugenio Derbez Edward Lewis - Josh Duhamel Vivian Ward - Adria Arjona [url][/url] [quote]Rachel Phelps' character is loosely based on that of [b]Georgia Frontiere[/b], a past owner of the Los Angeles / St. Louis Rams, in the way she took over the franchise and how she was initially perceived. She took over ownership and control of the Rams upon the death of her husband in 1979, and eventually moved the team to her hometown of St. Louis, Missouri in 1995. The Rams returned to Los Angeles in 2016. [url][/url][/quote] Another theory is that the supposed Reddit poster was actually Erik Per Sullivan, who was Dewey on Malcolm in the Middle. One tip off is that the actor who played the dad is more famous now than he was when he was doing the prior show. This could naturally be about Bryan Cranston, who is more than likely more known now for Breaking Bad than he was for Malcolm in the Middle. For what it's worth, MITM wrapped up its run on May 14, 2006, which is almost 15 years ago now. Batman & Robin was sort of the '90s, superhero movie version of Pierce Brosnan's last James Bond movie, Die Another Day. Both movies are very bloated, embarrassingly cheesy, simultaneously too self-aware and tone-deaf, and virtually a self-parody that still wants to take itself very seriously. Would Robin Wright have been a better choice than Jami Gertz: [url][/url] Supposedly, everyone, including Bret Easton Ellis, said that Gertz was horribly miscast as Blair because in the book Blair IS blond and tan which are her defining traits. While Jami Gertz was pretty, she never looked like an LA-based model of the late 80s. Unlike Robin Wright, she didn't exactly look like a California golden girl to put it in another way. [url][/url] [b]305. ENTERTAINMENT LAWYER 12/28 **8**[/b] [url][/url] It was nice of the celebrity offspring (Ireland Baldwin) to defend a family member (Hilaria aka Hilary Baldwin). It is obvious the offspring of a pair of one time A listers (Alec Baldwin and Kim Basinger) has no idea what the family member has done to them behind the scenes or would have an entirely different response to the situation. [i]Ireland Baldwin/Hilaria aka Hilary Baldwin/Alec Baldwin and Kim Basinger/cut out of Alec Baldwin’s will (Ireland Baldwin defends Hilaria amid Spanish accent controversy) (It’s not just her name, Hilaria Baldwin’s entire life is a fake) (BLIND ITEM 04/01/20)[/i] Captain Gene in The Other Guys was one of Michael Keaton's best characters [url]ttps://[/url]