Beau_Buffet's Replies

Where is the steal? Also, a "Marxist" would give it to the community, not to their friends or loved ones. God, these boards suck. Awful rightists not understanding anything. "If an actor doesn't want to be topless or nude, they shouldn't have to. " 100% But what's weird is the role is ONLY that scene. So... how come she did not know that? If you're three months into a shooting, you've got a decent role, lot of scenes, and then the director/produced pressures you to take off your clothes for one scene, I understand the dilemma. But for that? Weird. Yep. The characters in a movie are always under the law of the country where the shooting took place. Great analysis. Yeah, "democrat women" are famously pro-rape. Everyone knows that. lol, in what reality are YOU living in? Secret? lol lolll No need for shouting, man. Lol do you have a notification sytem?? haha A reply in 2 minutes on these (mostly dead) boards! I don't think I'll watch the sequel. This whole aspect prevented me from thoroughly enjoying the movie. No animal should suffer on a movie set. Another vote for O'Toole. Way hotter in my book. Thanks a lot. Fascinating stuff. It's fascinating to read how stupid you are. Mickey Mouse was universally known in the 1930s, and he still is. The guy could've said "then I am Charlie Chaplin", or "then I am Julius Caesar". People from ALL ages know Mickey Mouse. There is no joke in that line. It only served the purpose of telling Indy that he was exposed. Edwina thought that Terry's motive was to reach the nirvana state. Absolute happiness for the rest of her "existence". Listen to the Billie Holiday version, it's the best one. This gag foreshadowed a number of genius gags of this type in their next movie Top Secret! (1984). It's pure cinema, I love it. I did not see it as a racy joke at all. Just an absurd joke about physics. Only way smarter, and less evil. Does somebody have a better answer than this? Mae West had her hair shorter than this most of the time, and when they were long they were curly. Also, the hat seems like a huge part of the costume, and it's not something that Mae West would wear (I think). Here she is : He was slim like Brel, but Brel wasn't into beatnik stuff at all. And his energy on the stage was very different, not "mimey" at all, with a lot of power and drama. My god, the stupidity.