Beau_Buffet's Replies

The critter's name is Pete Bugdanovitch. Same for me 16 years later: I can't find it. She was great! (I just love replying to an 17 years old comment) "Now I'm not saying that the Kern character is a child predator. But when little Sally was sitting mighty close to Kern while he was waxing romantic about his missing her, I kinda felt this was an awkward way to advance the narrative." That says a lot more about you than about anyone else. Jeez. It's, indeed, the worst version of this song that I've ever did hear. "The constant 3 syllable name keeps me from watching it to the end." This might be the funniest thing I've ever read on these boards. Only reason I can think of is to find hungry youngsters more easily, since it's harder to feed oneself in time of war. But, mostly, I find this very weird too. Williams said himself that even though his name is credited, he did not actually work on the movie at all. So the "point of enlisting Vidal" was to have a complete script to shoot. Haha, you're right He even does s double take.a She says "emblem", and it's also in the subtitles : The main difference being that Bergman's movies are gorgeous, visually speaking. Some of the best cinematography of all time. This one is quite ugly. The Room is very much an unintentionally bad movie. Couldn't be the masterpiece that it is if Wiseau was intentionally trying to make a bad movie. It can't be done. I'm not disagreeing with that. Drat! Where is the official list?? <blockquote>the possible high points of the film</blockquote> I see what you did there. He did not. It was the coins falling from the paper that caused the diversion. This is quite the useless reply. I'm with you, there. I got smitten by the beauty of her face. Reminded me a little of Gene Tierney.