MovieChat Forums > Cat People (1982) Discussion > Annette hotter than Nastassia

Annette hotter than Nastassia

Everybody talks about Nastassia Kinski on this movie. But who agrees with me that Annette O'Toole is way much hotter and beautiful than Nastassia?


You, and the people that agree with you obviously need to get your eyes checked.

Sure, everyone has differing tastes, but in popular opinion there's no way in hell that Annette would ever win a fair contest of looks against Nastassja. Though I will say that Nastassja certainly looks even much hotter in some other films than she does in this film. However, she is still smokin hot in this too.

I'm sure if we polled the entire world population, Nastassja would come out as the "way much hotter and beautiful" woman.

P.S. Annette O'Toole sort of looks like Caitlyn Jenner for cryin out loud. You people have faulty eyes.

My body's a cage, it's been used and abused...and I...LIKE IT!!


I agree! I would do them both, but I would do Annette first, and slowest. I have always thought that she was an under appreciated talent, and body.


Nastassja Kinski is indeed attractive in this flick. The scene of her fishing with Oliver Yates (John Heard) in hot pants and wader boots is Exhibit A. But -- like the OP -- I was a bit perplexed by Oliver's decision to drop Alice (Annette O'Toole) for Irena (Kinski). Pay particular attention to the pool sequence and see if you share my confusion.


I do. Waaay better tits, face, body, personality.
But Kinsky is more unique looking.


K: “But he was too big.”
O’T: “Where is he? Quick!”

I have a hard tool for Miss O’Toole😈


Oh yeah! Hands down.


Both are beautiful but Nastassja wins out.


Another vote for O'Toole.

Way hotter in my book.
