Stop calling them terrorists?!

Poor Karli Morgantheau! Just a victim. She didn't do nursing wrongs, it's the big evil US government.

Is this show serious?! The Flag Smashers ARE terrorists. This show is liberal trash. Christ, I'm not even a Republican, but what fucking nonsense. This show is so obsessed with passing on this country that it actually goes out of its way to APOLOGIZE for terrorists. Pure garbage.


I realize at this point nothing will change your mind, BUT ...

... I still think you're conflating the show's view on Karli with Sam's view on Karli, while I maintain they are separate.

The show outright tells us that Karli was always ruthless and opportunistic, because Sharon saw Karli as a "mini me" back in Madripoor.

The episodes show Karli committing increasingly brutal acts that include but do not culminate in the one-punch murder of Lamar. The only difference between that and what John Walker did was that Walker did it in public.

This last episode shows Karli casually setting fire to hostages and pushing them into a construction pit simply to gain a tactical advantage. A bit earlier, she calls Bucky who gives her heartfelt advice, only to have Karli throw it back in his face (like Black Widow did to Loki in the first Avengers flick).

Karli's not a victim in any way shape or form, nor are we meant to see her that way as an audience.

The point being made is how SAM sees her (with Bucky following suit).

It's not because Sam's right and kuatorises is wrong. It's just to demonstrate how committed Sam is to finding the good in people, even when, as Zemo (correctly) believed, there's no good left to find.

It's a comment on Sam, a demonstration of why he deserves the shield and title of Captain America.

And it's a comment on Bucky, a trained killer who chooses not to kill if he can avoid it.


Something else occurred to me

This last ep made it a point to show Walker beating down several Flag-Smashers and going after Karli in particular

I found it deeply satisfying and doubt this was by accident

For all his shortcomings, Walker is shown to be a good soldier who wants to do the right thing

Karli is shown to be the opposite

I really think you’re overselling this “Karli as victim” thing


Do you need glasses? Dude... It's all right there in the show.

Sam refused to fight Karli, ya dingus! He even said it, LOL. He did not want to fight the mass murderer who openly said she would not be taken in peacefully. Him flying her down with all that sappy sad shit? Lke the world just lost some saintly figure or something. Then Sam's rant to the "evil" government for trying to dare to return people to their homes? Christ, he says "Move the borders" at one point. Fuck outta here.


Sam refused to fight Karli, ya dingus!

I believe that's EXACTLY what I said. Several times. Across several threads.

SAM refuses to fight her.

The SHOW kills her off.

The SHOW lets us see what Sam doesn't see, that Karli was nearly cheerful about killing GRC members, so much so that her own teammates momentarily forgot the "one world, one people" mantra.

Hell Sam doesn't even portray her as a saint. His "big speech" openly compares her to Thanos.

And I KNOW KNOW KNOW a lot of folks got "triggered" by Sam's big speech, but if you listen to it, the message isn't "government is bad."

Rather, to quote "The Boys" and Butcher's final lesson to his wife's son, the lesson is just "don't be a cunt."


I think what you are missing, is not one respectable character on the show chooses to counter Sam's point. US agent is the only person to view them as terrorists, and he's written as mentally unhinged.


This Pitch Meeting humorously addresses your point about Karli, and then some. Worth watching.

(new here, I've seen other people post links, hope this is acceptable)


Love the Pitch Meeting videos. He always presents a clear vision of what is wrong.


Presenting a clear vision of what is wrong is tight!


That is fucking hilarious.


Youre missing the bigger picture.

Are the flag smashers terrorists? Probably.

Are those millions of displaced people terrorists that hold the same views of the flag smashers but not prepared or able to do anything about it? No.

Sam doesnt want what is supposed to be an ideal about borders and changes in the world to simply be swept aside by branding everyone who agrees as a terrorist.

At no point do the politicians acknowledge why the flag smashers do what they do, simply brushing it off as just terrorism, which doesnt solve the problem, doesnt address the problem, but means they can continue exactly as they please, literally ignoring millions in the process.


Probably?! Fuck outta here.


U must be dense.


He literally said:

"Are the flag smashers terrorists? Probably."

Probably, LOL! *facepalm* I can't even respond to such nonsense.


The "displaced people" who hold teh same views as the murderous terrorists, are presented as being oppressed innocents, and those who disagree are presented as "bad" because of not "looking like" the oppressed minorities.

Sam comes right out and accuses them of making decisions without anyone in the room that does not look different than them. Because no white person could give a damn about an oppressed brown person, I guess.


IIRC the people in that room were far from being all white ...


Yeah, I noticed that too. I guess the casting director and the writers were at cross purposes there, but regardless, Sam and the narrative were pretending they were all white and thus unable to consider the interests of people different than them.

There is sooo much wrong with the woke messaging of Hollywood these days, you could spend a lifetime unpacking all the ways what they say is wrong, digging though to new layers, on and on and on.


What this dude and all the people trying to defend this show's logic are just blatantly ignoring is THE GOVERNMENT DIDN'T DISPLACE ANYONE. Thanos did that. The GRC didn't displace ANYONE. They gave food and shelter to people who came back. Their long term goal was to return people to their countries. Oh, the horror!

Morantheau wanted no borders, no governments - aside from one "world" government - and was willing to kill to get it.

But yeah, something, something, something, bad about Walker and the government....


Are the Flag Smashers terrorists? Yes.

Do all the displaced people have a hell of a legitimate grievance? Yes.

The show as a whole is trying to address the question of terrorism in the name of a legitimate grievance in a multi-faceted and adult fashion... but the result is the seemingly unintentional message that Thanos was actually right. Take away half the world's population and what happens? Wages go up, everyone is employed and prosperous! Bring them all back and what happens? Mass poverty and disgruntlement!


I don't care how much Sam was trying to be virtuous or try to show things weren't so black and white.... Karli threatened to kill his family. It's like he forgot about that instantly. Never came up again. It didn't happen.


None of that matters. All characters the public likes or sympathizes with cannot be wrong or bad. That's this show's logic.


Yep. They repeatedly pointed out, "that so many people believe in them", like that is an argument or even, "proof".
