This film any good?

I started watching it but quit after a few mins. It was boring. Does it get any better?


If you base your opinion of movies on watching them for "a few mins", I suggest cartoons.


What this guy^ said.


The film needs to be rebooted and written by Damien Cain


Oh hi Damien Cain.


I loved this movie.

I'm sorry that you found it boring, but what makes this movie great is the atmosphere of it. It's not an action horror, although there are a few death scenes.


It depends on your personal taste. For me, it was just okay--not terrible, but not great either.


What are you talking about? It was over 9000!


I really liked it a lot.


Turn off your cell phone, and focus!


I will give it a try. The beginning where she is crying for 20 mins bored me.


I loved it. It’s a long film but it doesn’t feel like it to me. I liked it even more the second time around.


It's quite slow at the start but picks up pace in the second half of the film.
I liked it.

Obviously it has similarities to The Wicker Man. But it is different enough to be It's own film.


Agreed. I do like well done slow burn movies that focus on characters and atmosphere. I think this one does it really well. I even bought the extended version, but sadly I haven't watched it all the way through yet as I could only get it on iTunes, and since I only have the apple app I can only watch it on my computer. Haha. First world problems!


Maybe you should watch it and find out. It isn't a film with lots of jump scares. If that is what you are into, I would say you should skip it. It has a very good story with well drawn characters.
