MovieChat Forums > Obi-Wan Kenobi (2022) Discussion > Rightwing Star Wars “fans” are not true ...

Rightwing Star Wars “fans” are not true fans

As expected, the fake rightwing “fans” of Star Wars are complaining about a black woman villain. And that is what they focus on.

Understand this. Star Wars has always been a progressive franchise. It’s about a group of rebels fighting a fascist Empire. Even the casting of Leia and, later, of Lando, was about progressive inclusion. There is nothing wrong with casting a POC and woman as Reva. So far, this character is doing her job well.

This franchise is not for rightwingers and their usual bigotry.

So, the rightwing “fans” should just leave this board. You are not true fans and you don’t belong here.


I read the imdb reviews for the episode and the low ratings are because diversity. These people are stuck in the 20th century


The show has been getting good reviews from critics and audiences alike.

It’s just a minority of annoying rightwingers that are upset.


They will only become true fans if they read Marx theory and revert to communism...

"right wing" is a political affiliation, if someone says "I'm a Star Wars fan" then they are Star Wars fans. If you find out they are right wing, that doesn't alter the previous statement. Besides it's fiction, any real world allegories doesn't mean you can't like it. I like Robocop, am I an anti-capitalist? Well, I'm not exactly a capitalist but I think any criticism of an economic system or ideology is fair game, I just like the movie for its high entertainment value.

People (on Twitter, Reddit especially) take politics in film far too seriously.


Does fighting these non-existent racist “right wing” man babies make you feel good about yourself?


While they do exist, it is probably not as good as the feeling you get from Howard’s death, who doesn’t exist.


Ummmm Howards death did happen within the context of the Breaking Bad universe.

The entire woke objective is literally to find fake atrocities to battle so they can feel virtuous. It’s a sneaky way to get praise while not having to actually help anyone. It’s quite narcissistic.


Also let me make this clear: People don’t have a problem with the demographics of these new Star Wars characters, we have a problem because they are poorly written and unrelatable. Rey being the biggest offender.


Yeah, that’s not what is happening in this board.


Please show me evidence that the vast majority of this board doesn't like Rey because she's female. Ready, set, go.


Rey is not a character in this show.


Rey is a Star Wars character who was poorly written and the woke SJW crowd accused us of not liking her because she’s a woman.


If it makes you happy, I’ll rephrase: Please show me evidence that the vast majority of this board doesn’t like certain characters on the show because they are female or “diverse”. Ready, set, go.


I never made that claim.


Show me evidence of anyone with that position then. Ready set go


You're trolling right?


These woke SJW's aren't serious, they just want to pat themselves on the back and want everyone else to know how virtuous they are.


There's something mentally wrong with these people. Anyway, I'll be blocking this person. I don't need people like this in my life. They offer nothing but decisiveness, racism, and hate.


Not to mention narcissism


Fine block me. I don’t need more rightwingers hurting star wars in my feed.

You guys made this about race and gender. Why are rightwingers such bigots? It’s a good question.


Sounds like you should take your grievances to Leftwing Star Wars "fans" who only care about how progressive something is, or rather, their version of progressive.

All they care about is how many women there are, how many POCs there are, and how many LGBTs there are, all while hating on straight white men. It doesn't matter how good the actor is, how well-written the character is, or how negatively affected the story is when it's pushed aside for agendas, these fake fans only care about representation for the sake of it. Their lives are empty and meaningless, so they need validation and a sense of fulfillment by winning internet brownie points.

Star Wars, Star Trek, Doctor Who, Marvel and DC comics, they've all been progressive, and these leftwing "fans" would know that if they actually invested into those franchises. They've had strong women before, they've had POCs before, they've even had LGBTs before. The writers back then were talented enough to make all those characters likable without shoving their identity politics in our faces. The stories all had some level of politics that were relevant to the story, which may or may not have been inspired by real-life politics, but either way still managed to be timeless and fun and not dated, lecture-y, and condescending. Many writers today suck at their job, they only know how to shove their agendas in our faces without telling good stories with likable characters, all while using race/gender/sexuality as a shield from valid criticism, and antagonizing the fans who have been loyal to these franchises and characters for decades.

These franchises are not for leftwingers and their usual bigotry. Star Wars and those other franchises I mentioned were clearly not made for them.

So, Leftwing "fans" should leave this board. They are not fans and they don't belong here.


The people that have been making race and gender an issue in this board are the rightwingers.

The rest of us just want to talk about the show. If someone criticizes the writing or acting, we are good with it. The problem is when rightwingers bring race and gender to complain.

So, your entire argument lacks foundation.

Rightwingers really should leave. They don’t add anything valuable to this board.


Nope, the only people who genuinely care about race and gender, and make them issues, are the leftwingers. Real fans never cared about that stuff, they just wanted to be left alone with their hobbies. At one point it was cool that nerdy stuff was becoming mainstream, if only we knew that becoming mainstream also meant letting the bigot leftist activists in.

There’s the occasional troll post that pretends to care one way or the other about the straight-white-male/marginalized ratio, but otherwise it’s leftwingers that have this fetish with marginalized groups.

So *your* argument lacks foundation.

Leftwingers really should leave. They don’t add anything valuable to this board or any board.


Evidence shows otherwise.


What evidence?


Evidence shows that it is rightwingers are making this about race and gender.

Topics such as these show it.

It is what it is. We don’t need these bigots here.


How is that racist? All he did was call out how the writers favored one character over another because she ticks all the right boxes. Criticizing that is not racist at all, no matter how much you gaslight.

Rightwingers still haven’t said anything bad about Lando, Mace Windu, or Finn, while Leftwingers keep complaining that there’s too many straight white people in various franchises (despite having been diverse for a long time), and that they can’t relate to the characters unless they’re exactly like them. It doesn’t get more racist and bigoted than that.

Try again.


It’s racist because he first asumes she was hired because she is a black woman. And it is the first thing he mentioned.

It is a fact it was a racist and mysogynistic comment. You need to accept it and move on.


It's not racist or misogynistic, it was valid criticism.
Kennedy said "The force is female", which turned out to mean a female-supremacist narrative, that's a fact.
Diversity quotas exist to favor so-called "marginalized" groups, that's a fact.

Where did the person in that post indicate that he hated women or POCs? Show me that. All he did was point out Disney's attempts at pandering and their obsession with "marginalized" groups while also mis-using pre-established characters that don't qualify as marginalized.

Try again.


the original trilogy the bad guys were ONLY white males.

the good guys were a poor kid, a criminal, a visible minority wookie and a woman.

in ESB the black guy saves them.

you would be screeching and "reeeeeeing" how woke it was if it came out today.


And yet nobody on the right is complaining about any of that, instead people on the left are either retroactively claiming it as woke, or “reeeeeeing” at how problematic it was, depending on their mood. They did the same thing with Tolkien, first they said he was woke all along, and then they said he was problematic.

Their hypocrisy and lack of self-awareness would be hilarious if it wasn’t annoying.


NOW they aren't about older movies. even if other modern movies that meet the exact same standards as the old ones, they scream "woke" about the new ones.

who is retroactively claiming its woke? im saying its normal movies had mixed casts. im saying its normal movies now have mixed casts

the only one shrieking woke are still right winger acting like its a brand new thing (mixed casts with strong women, minorities ect)

try again. you are utterly failing


Diversity doesn't equal woke, and older movies weren't woke. Wonder Woman and Black Panther are relatively new, and they're not woke either. BP might have had one or two lines that sounded woke, but otherwise the movie itself was fine. Leftists, however, complained that there white characters in it, just like they complained about Wonder Woman's hairless armpits.

Many newer movies are not only doubling down on diversity for pandering's sake, but they're spitefully bringing down previously established straight white male characters too. That's woke.

Try again, kiddo.


yes thats exactly what they do. they scream woke at even the slightest diversity.


#1 neither are new clown.

#2 go on both those boards right now and see the "this is woke" posts

check out BP. the 2nd post. "The one redeeming feature it has is that the woke villain trying to cause a race war is completely rejected by the hero."

the 4th post a jab at wokeness

SO try again kiddo.

just because you are ignorant,. doesn't mean ti doesn't exist. as usual another clown lying on MC when its easily verifiable


Diversity isn’t new, wokeness came about at around 2011 give-or-take a couple years.

There is a post on this board complaining how white this show is. Based on your logic, I should take it seriously.


At least you tried kiddo, might as well concede now, for your sake.


"Diversity isn’t new, wokeness came about at around 2011 give-or-take a couple years."

ANNNNNND? how is that relevant clown boy?

"There is a post on this board complaining how white this show is. Based on your logic, I should take it seriously."

im not denying people would bitch about it being "too white". you are denying anyone is complying about every single slightly diverse show is woke. My point is right wingers are bitching about "wokeness" even if thats just cause the cast is diverse. you said no. I gave evidence now you are changing your points.

you said they arent. I gave evidence they are. by YOUR OWN EXAMPLE of black panther. I gave proof right wingers are. so checkmate. you can leave now dumbass

"And yet nobody on the right is complaining about any of that,"

they are. I proved it. bye bye


You didn’t prove anything, lol

I denied troll posts, that’s it.

Looks like you decided to leave without dignity lol, good bye 👋🏻


"And yet nobody on the right is complaining about any of that,"

you are wrong. but not man enough to admit it. you sad little bitch

I know I have no dignity cause you are a bitch and the arbiter of troll posts. good job. you have nothing Lance. only took 500 posts and already exposing what a weak person you are


lol I guess I was talking to an edgy teenager this whole time, that explains a lot 😄

All you proved is what a loser you are, and how empty your life is, and that only took one post. You even admitted you have no dignity, lol

Come back to the internet when you're grown up, kiddo.


yep im so edgy and not grown up. because I disproved your nonsense.

good job.. sorry you cant man up. you must be a weak person

"And yet nobody on the right is complaining about any of that,"


lol Are you disappointed that nobody on the right is complaining about any of that? Did you want them to?

Grow up, sport.


I literally gave evidence of them complaining about it... your argument was disproven

you lost and cant man up. some guys stay weak boys their whole life. like you


You didn't give me any actual evidence, slick. You brought up a troll post, and then I brought up a troll post, with the point being don't take any trolls seriously, regardless what they say. Rightwingers and centrists have only ever called out leftwingers' obsession with race, gender, and sexuality.

And then you started cursing and name-calling like an angry child or edgy teenager because you lost this discussion and you. Could. Not. Stand. It. 😄


you say its troll posts. I gave you two just in the top four comment threads.

"Rightwingers and centrists have only ever called out leftwingers' obsession with race, gender, and sexuality."

Yep which I gave you two examples of them just screaming "woke"

but you arent man enough to admit it. what's it like being a bitch?


You tell me, squirt 😜 What's it like?


so again you are a bitch. you cant admit you were wrong when I showed you. you cried "NOO!!! they are trolls!! it doesnt count!"

like a literal child.

imagine being so beta that you cant man up when given direct evidence


Keep telling yourself that, kiddo, whatever helps you feel like a man 😄


its an objective fact.. its right there.

sad bitch


in a new hope.

a poor lower class kid, a women, a criminal white guy and a visible minority wookie teamup to fight an evil all white, all male empire.

if it came out now the boards would be screeching "WOKE!!! WOKE!!!!"


There is definitely the crowd of usual white supremacist suspects who were primed to hate on the character for purely racist reasons the minute she was announced as the main antagonist of the series. That said, having watched the first two episodes, I was not impressed with the character's presentation & the actress' performance left a lot to be desired. I actually felt secondhand embarrassment watching her scenes where she's trying to be menacing & intimidating. Unfortunately, so far I feel that the actress was simply miscast as she does not appear to have the charisma or screen presence required to carry such an important role. Hopefully she'll get better.

The usual white supremacist suspect "fans" prematurely hating on the character because of their anti-black insecurities AND the actress turning out to not be the best choice can both be true.


The usual white supremacist suspect "fans" prematurely hating on the character because of their anti-black insecurities AND the actress turning out to not be thee best choice can both be true.

No disagreement there. It’s fine if you don’t care for the character. This is the type of discussion we should be having.


That black girl ain't no villain. She'll be redeemed in a few short hours time.
