MovieChat Forums > Gunpowder Milkshake (2021) Discussion > It’s hard to watch movies now...

It’s hard to watch movies now...

...and not feel how overbearingly produced they all are. A title like Gunpowder Milkshake? Jesus. How in the hell is anyone supposed to take this crap seriously anymore?


It’s a bit better than Pussy Island.


Always remember this>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>


Vote with your cash.


That makes way too much sense.

Complaining about it on the hand, is easier. Hence, why everyone does it.


Since when is expressing one's opinion complaining?


R u stoopid??? How do you know if you like something or not if you do not watch it.


I like the title. Skeptical about the quality though. Modern odds don't favor it.

I will watch it to find out though.


It's bad... at times it is a bit like watching a female version of Crank... but there are some part that are so stupid it isn't worth it... An example is the magical wood used for the things like a desk. Two characters are hiding behind it in a gun fight. Bullets are knocking out chunks of the rock walls but when they hit the wood desk they blow out a perfectly round half dollar size hole but the bullet doesn't go through the wood to hit the person hiding behind it as if the desk has some special antibullet shield... of course in other instances where a bullet needs to go through something to move the story it does... but it is a case where bullets magically only penetrate when the writers wanted them to other wise they often don't behave like bullets. I can forgive a lot of ridiculous things in the acrobatic fight scenes, but for the love of god don't start using magic bullets that work or don't based solely on the whim of some hack writer that was too lazy to come up with a plausible story.


Did you regret watching it?


I know I didn't. Had a lot of fun watching it :D


I enjoyed it also.


I had no expectations of it when I started watching it. For that reason and the fact that I had nothing else to do at the time it was moderately entertaining, if I had gone to a theater and paid for a ticket to see it I would have regretted it. It was very forgettable but if you have nothing better to do it will pass some time, just don't expect much going in.


Very forgettable on the story side--just a mash-up of elements we've already seen before--but I did appreciate some of the stylistic elements and it has a solid cast.


You cant really call this film out for bulletproof desks etc becasue its standard movie physics
Pretty much all movies have bulletproof desks.
see also cars that explode when the tank is hit , or they turn over.
.50 cal that will send bodies flying across the room - maybe even after going through a wall.
(the magic movie wood / brick doesent work on the old .50!)

Even a sofa will do for cover on a movie gunfight.
car doors are always bulletproof too.

The stupidest example ive seen is Will Smith in Bad Boys 2 taking cover behind a lobster pot made mainly off string.


I don't know the metal cookie sheets taped to the office chair to make it bullet proof in this movie was pretty damn laughable.


On the bulletproof desks i had the same first reaction but instantly followed by ... wait a second, they do have an armory in disguise so probably those are metal reinforced with some type of armor. If I was them I would had reinforced that front desk as well, it's the first line of defense ...

Probably not what the writers had in mind :D


To be fair, I'm not sure how seriously you are meant to take it.


Well thank you for being fair.
