Do Leo and Brad seem old?

I don't want to see them look old.


They don't look old. To a young person they might look old, but to older people they both look great.


Brad Pitt looks great...Leonardo is ok but does not look 11 years younger than Pitt. They look about the same age.


He looks older than Pitt who has had a little plastic surgery. He used to have deep lines over his cheekbones and now they're gone.


You think he had it on his body?

I haven't studied their faces that hard...but that sounds like fillers and not surgery.
Hollywood is floating in fillers.


they ain't *that* old


Not old compared to Jack Nicholson, Robert DeNiro, Joe Pesci, Christoper Walken, Jon Voight-Kampf.


One thing i've learned from watching these sorts of people age is no matter how old they look now, they can still look a helluva lot older! I like watching old Harrison Ford movies and remember at the time thinking that he had become a fossil but compared to him now, he's still a young man back then.


Nope. They still look pretty good. Leo is aging worse than Brad. They both still have some good years left in em.


Brad is 55 years old. He looks great for his age, but he doesn't look young. Always similar in manner to Robert Redford, he is now starting to have the same appearance as Redford had around 1980 in Brubaker.


I was thinking the same thing!
Pitt is aging just like Redford


I have to say that there is one Brad Pitt scene in which I thought that his body looked truly amazing for his age. He must have worked with a personal trainer for hours every day for months before filming to be ready just for that scene.


Yes they look terrible. Wrinkly old bastards... I've seen smoother skin on an elephant's scrotum.

Avoid looking unless you want your face to melt in horror. Truly two of the most hideous looking geriatrics you're likely to see in a movie.

I like sarcasm.
