MovieChat Forums > Tenet (2020) Discussion > How it feels watching this

How it feels watching this

For most of this film my brain:
60% enjoyed what was happening.
30% had no f**king idea what was going on.
10% was looking forward to my next viewing.

Ever seen the clever little sci-fi film Primer? Similar experience but with more James Bond, including Kenneth Branagh as an excellent angry time-jumping Russian Goldfinger. It’s so refreshing to see a mainstream film that challenges you.

A couple walked out because their brains couldn’t cope with the material and pressed eject. This one’s going to alienate many people who aren’t autistic males.


Yes, I read it was mediocre and contrived and I agree that it takes someone with mental deficiency to visit a cinema during a pandemic.


Yes, it’s neither mediocre nor contrived, and this ‘pandemic’ is nothing more than a mild flu which has all but disappeared.


Case in point. Thanks!


No worries, Karen.


I wanna live in your world.


You do.


The only two movies (Tenet and American Sniper rerelease) I have seen since the pandemic started were in empty IMAX theaters with just me and one or two other people in the whole theater. I felt much safer there than I do at the grocery store.


How do you know the couple walk out because "their brains couldn't cope with material?"

Maybe they just though it's boring.


I felt like walking out towards the end. I couldn’t believe how bad the third act was and I couldn’t wait for it to end.

And yes all the best moments are in the trailers, for all the mystery and intrigue this movie had they still seemed to show everything.

Most disappointingly it’s just not very thrilling at all. I watched Inception a week ago on the big screen for it’s 10th anniversary and even having seen it so many times before it still manages to thrill you.


I felt the same. The movie started out with potential, even though they were throwing WAY too much information at the viewer. The dialog was very fast and felt rushed because they weren't having conversations, they were just explaining the movie.

I couldn't wait for it to end so I could move onto other things (like ripping into the movie with my SO).


I read their minds.


Can you teach me? I always want to learn "read minds", it can make you a billionaire, imagine use this at casino.


Send me a billion dollars and I’ll teach you.

(No money-back guarantee)


Why would a person who can read minds still need money?

It's like a man say he can turn stone into gold, but still struggle for money.


For the reason that prompted you to suggest that I use my mind reading powers to become a billionaire.


This guy goes around moviechat insulting the intelligence of others. It's just his MO.


Primer is a crazy wicked freaky deaky movie. I am afraid to watch it again. lol


Tenet ain't no Primer. Trust me.

Primer: 9/10
Tenet: 6/10


I saw a lady walk out of the theater half way through, because she couldn't hear half the dialogue. I couldn't either but it was still a great movie.


Dialogue is for pussies.


Explosions, car chases, crazy a$$ fight scenes. Hell yeah




Primer is a good movie.


It’s good but it basically alienates anyone who isn’t a geeky autistic male, but that’s OK because it was made for like $5. Tenet was rather more expensive.

