MovieChat Forums > Tucker Carlson Tonight (2016) Discussion > This guy lies and cares not who he hurts...

This guy lies and cares not who he hurts.

This is a post I made a while back after Carlson went on one of his rants after the 2017 Vegas shooting that prompted Trump's gun grab. It was my response to his insanity here;

Carlson was not content to report on the news or just offer an opinion. He decided to libel a crime victim instead with his silly rapid fire questions.

I typed them below. (my comments in parentheses)

1. Why was Campos allowed to leave the USA? (not a prison)
2. How did Campos manage to travel to Mexico with a wounded leg? (Maybe not that bad?)
3. Did he fly?
4. Did he drive?
5. Was his employer aware that he left the country? ( One again not a prison or a nanny state)
6. Were investigators aware? (Not his babysitters)
7. Did they facilitate the trip? (Probably not)
8. What day did Campos get to Mexico? (None of anyone's business)
9. How was he able to drive back for hundreds of miles to the border? (In a car?)
10. Why did he take a rental car instead of his own car? (Campos' business only?)
11. Why did it take a government leak for us to find out his trip was a pre-planned visit? (None of their business?)
12. Why is MGM controlling availability to Campos? (No evidence they are)
13. And shielding him from press inquiries? (Again no evidence)
14. Why did he appear with a co-worker at the interview? (Moral support?)
15. Why did Ellen ask only leading softball questions? (Because she is a softball host?)
16. Why did some many people go to so much trouble to shape the story of Campos? (Like Tucker Carlson is doing now?)
17. Campos in Mexico when ABC News talked to him? (Who cares?)
18. Did they know where he was when they talked to him? (Again who cares?)
19. What do we actually know about Campos? (We're most likely not going to find out from Carlson)
20. Is he really a licensed security guard? (Carlson can't find this out for himself?)
21. Why won't authorities answer basic questions about Campos? (They're investigating and don't have time for talking to every idiot who calls them I suppose)
22. Does Campos have a criminal record? (Why isn't Carlson telling us if he does or not?)
23. What exactly did he do for the hotel? (Sounds like he was part of security)
24. Had he ever had previous contact with Paddock? ( This is approaching libel)
25. How exactly was Campos injured? (Sounds like he was shot)
26. How could Campos have driven 700 miles after being shot with a Nato 5.56 round? (Dupe of #2)
27. How did Paddock get access to the hotel's freight elevator? (We might find out soon)
28. How many other hotel guests had that access? (Might find out soon)
29. Does hotel security footage show Paddock entering the elevator alone or with others? (Carlson is going to have to wait to find out like the rest of us)
30. Had he used the elevator before? (And wait some more)
31. If so, how often and why was he using that elevator? (And more)
32. Had Paddock ever appeared on the radar of the FBI? ( Probably not. I've got a lot more guns than Paddock probably has, some of which are NFA firearms; quite certain the FBI doesn't give a crap about me or the thousands of others like me.)
33. Nobody in law enforcement noticed him? (Why should they?)
34. Why did it take investigators nearly a month to to tell us about the missing hard drive? (Because they don't report to Carlson?)
35. Did they just find out themselves? (Wait and see)
36. What do we really know about Paddock and his family? (Why are you telling us, you're the pundit/reporter)
37. Was his brother's arrest on child porn charges related to this case? (As long as you're stretching, you can tell us)
38. How many family members does he have exactly? (Carlson doesn't know this why?)
39. Was he in regular contact with them? (ZZZZ)
40. Do they have any reason to believe he was planning an attack? (ask them yourself)
41. Where's his girlfriend? (Probably hiding from the press; smart girl)

He then goes on to say he's not going to speculate about the shooting and claims there is lying and incompetence, not understanding that it is himself.

Edited to change date from 2018 to 2017.


It was 2017, and Media matters is just a DNC smear site.


Yes, 2017. But Carlson actually said these things.


Nothing wrong with Tucker being suspicious. Strange how little there is online about Jesus Campos though.

An article about Tucker's show, which is not on youtoob:

An article in the LA Times which raises even more suspicion!
Jesus Campos, Vegas security guard shot before rampage, appears to have vanished:

It seems nobody followed up on the story and the police made no statements. Tucker was right to be suspicious.


You have a point. Carlson never followed up on his libelous claims either. He was just happy enough to cast doubt on a person who was doing his job for some reason. In other words, he cares for ratings more than his personal integrity.

I'd make myself scare if the media was libeling me for just doing my job while someone else was killing people.




There is nothing wrong with pointing out libelous claims by known liars such as Tucker Carlson.


there was no gun grab, I would be more worried about the spread of red flags laws....


Trump said it was a gun grab. That is how he accomplished it. He ordered the DOJ to amend the CFR to classify bump stocks as contraband machine guns. Because Reagan signed the 1986 law that prohibited registration of new machine guns, bump stocks became contraband and had to be turned in or destroyed within 90 days after Trump banned them in 2018.

People who say Trump is not a gun grabber are willfully ignorant, liar or something else, like stupid.

Are you talking about the red flag laws that Pence wanted? He wanted due process to ensure that only the bad people lost their guns. Trump said no, he wanted to take the guns first, due process second. You ever watch the C-span video of him spewing this nonsense? Feinstein was sitting right next to him. Even she looked like she thought it was a stupid idea.


we have been over this before, a bump stock is not a gun...and there is no gun I said before, you should be more worried about red flag laws...


Oh,so you're one of those people that thinks they decide what a gun is and not the federal government or the president. You understand that your position makes no sense at all right?

Trump says bump stocks are firearms. Are you calling Trump a liar? Do you think that the president does not have the power to create new regulations to enforce existing laws?

Why do you think anyone, GOP or Democrat will oppose red flag laws? The GOP was too busy kissing Trump's ass to oppose his insane "take the guns 1st, due process 2nd".

I don't want to see a national red flag law, but the GOP will probably favor them.




Did you support Trump's gun grab?

Did you support his red flag law proposal which would have taken firearms without due process?


red flag laws came from the liberals.


Yes I know. But those laws had some sort of due process.

VP Pence wanted red flag laws at the federal level, with due process. Trump objected to any due process prior to taking the guns away. How would this be different from outright theft?


what guns did he take away? Trump is due process as well.


Trump defined bump stocks as machine guns. Therefore he took away as many as half a million machine guns.

Yes I know that you claim bump stocks are not guns. But Trumps says bump stocks are guns and so does the ATF and DOJ. Trump knows that everyone who says bump stocks aren't guns is stupid.

Did you watch the video? Taking property prior to due process is just like no due process at all.


a bump stock is not a gun anymore than a scope is gun.

your neo con rtard fallacy has failed...


You mean he can't ask questions?


Sure he can. But why do it in a way that makes him seem clueless? Carlson wanted to make the Vegas shooting all about his anti-muslim anti-immigrant stance. His rant was mostly people who were not responsible for the deaths that day.

He wanted to blame anyone other than a white guy who might have been an alt-right fanatic.


It seems most of your points are just questions he asked. Questions are not assertions therefore by definition they are not lies. You aren’t very smart are you?


So then his questions are just stupid, which makes Carlson stupid? No, Carlson is looking to hang some blame for the shooting on someone else other than Paddock.


That's your narrowminded, bias and subjective opinion. I find his questions intriguing. Either way you should apologize to Tucker for lying about him. He should sue you for slander.


That cock Carlson doesn't have a chance. He is a known liar and lacks the integrity to make any claim of his in court stick.

Which of his laughably childish questions did you think were intriguing? I've asked Carlson supporters before about this video, but they are too spineless to be specific.


I see you have reduced yourself to flaming, childish insults. You aren’t a serious debater you are just a crybaby libtard who is throwing a temper tantrum. You have not provided anything of substance and it seems all you want to do is pitch a fit and feel important

Get out of your libtard cult and come back to reality


Carlson's rant is not actually up for debate. He actually said that crap and never returned to his claims to clarify them.

I'm actually more conservative than liberal.


He asked questions, a question by the very definition can’t be a lie because it’s not an assertion, dingleberry

And I’m not liberal or conservative, I am an unbiased , objective observer.


Is it hard to function everyday while trying to be so naive.


Get out of your cult, they are deluding your perception of reality


> You aren’t very smart are you?

The mark of a loser and idiot ... so nice of you to tag everything you do with crap like this.


Lol I see you have nothing intelligent to add to this. And boo hoo Fox News doesn’t spin the news so it doesn’t hurt your fragile little feelings. Get over it you snowflake fascist. If anyone should be shutdown it should be Fake News CNN, and MSDNC for their lies, misinformation and false narratives. They are supporting the President and his treasonous activities which you would condemn if you weren’t brainwashed by your cult.

Edit: it’s also comically ironic that you would bitch that anyone is “aiding our enemies” when your cult leader just gave the Taliban 80 billion dollars in military equipment but yeah simply telling the truth and calling out your cult leader for his own treason is “aiding our enemies”. Can I ask you a personal question: what the hell is wrong with you? What did you cult do to you? I’m seriously curious as to how anyone can have such backwards ass logic as you.


Another tell of an idiot ... starting your moronic post with LOL.
That's all any intelligent person has to see to now to skip your stupidity.


Or maybe because you know you don’t have an intelligent rebuttal. Sounds like cultist behavior, when you’re boxed into a corner just pretend that responding to your opponent is beneath you. (In reality nothing is beneath you)


You are beneath me and every other real American and human being, you are true scum the way you behave.


You shouldn’t be allowed to vote, people as stupid and brainwashed as you don’t deserve a say in anything . I don’t respect cultists


Fox News should be shut down by media regulators like Trump was shut down by Twitter. This crap is not a joke anymore. It is toxic and to pretend it bolsters freedom to allow these steady jabs of lies and hate into the consciousness of the country is a fatal flaw that will destroy America.

We really have no media that is investigating where this comes from and what the plan is, but it is definitely malicious and malevolent and both hurting the country and costing us lives and a tremendous amount of money ... meaning whatever it is it is aiding our enemies.


Deep State affiliated media lie. They said the cold was like cancer.
