MovieChat Forums > Tucker Carlson Tonight (2016) Discussion > This guy lies and cares not who he hurts...

This guy lies and cares not who he hurts.

This is a post I made a while back after Carlson went on one of his rants after the 2017 Vegas shooting that prompted Trump's gun grab. It was my response to his insanity here;

Carlson was not content to report on the news or just offer an opinion. He decided to libel a crime victim instead with his silly rapid fire questions.

I typed them below. (my comments in parentheses)

1. Why was Campos allowed to leave the USA? (not a prison)
2. How did Campos manage to travel to Mexico with a wounded leg? (Maybe not that bad?)
3. Did he fly?
4. Did he drive?
5. Was his employer aware that he left the country? ( One again not a prison or a nanny state)
6. Were investigators aware? (Not his babysitters)
7. Did they facilitate the trip? (Probably not)
8. What day did Campos get to Mexico? (None of anyone's business)
9. How was he able to drive back for hundreds of miles to the border? (In a car?)
10. Why did he take a rental car instead of his own car? (Campos' business only?)
11. Why did it take a government leak for us to find out his trip was a pre-planned visit? (None of their business?)
12. Why is MGM controlling availability to Campos? (No evidence they are)
13. And shielding him from press inquiries? (Again no evidence)
14. Why did he appear with a co-worker at the interview? (Moral support?)
15. Why did Ellen ask only leading softball questions? (Because she is a softball host?)
16. Why did some many people go to so much trouble to shape the story of Campos? (Like Tucker Carlson is doing now?)
17. Campos in Mexico when ABC News talked to him? (Who cares?)
18. Did they know where he was when they talked to him? (Again who cares?)
19. What do we actually know about Campos? (We're most likely not going to find out from Carlson)
20. Is he really a licensed security guard? (Carlson can't find this out for himself?)
21. Why won't authorities answer basic questions about Campos? (They're investigating and don't have time for talking to every idiot who calls them I suppose)
22. Does Campos have a criminal record? (Why isn't Carlson telling us if he does or not?)
23. What exactly did he do for the hotel? (Sounds like he was part of security)
24. Had he ever had previous contact with Paddock? ( This is approaching libel)
25. How exactly was Campos injured? (Sounds like he was shot)
26. How could Campos have driven 700 miles after being shot with a Nato 5.56 round? (Dupe of #2)
27. How did Paddock get access to the hotel's freight elevator? (We might find out soon)
28. How many other hotel guests had that access? (Might find out soon)
29. Does hotel security footage show Paddock entering the elevator alone or with others? (Carlson is going to have to wait to find out like the rest of us)
30. Had he used the elevator before? (And wait some more)
31. If so, how often and why was he using that elevator? (And more)
32. Had Paddock ever appeared on the radar of the FBI? ( Probably not. I've got a lot more guns than Paddock probably has, some of which are NFA firearms; quite certain the FBI doesn't give a crap about me or the thousands of others like me.)
33. Nobody in law enforcement noticed him? (Why should they?)
34. Why did it take investigators nearly a month to to tell us about the missing hard drive? (Because they don't report to Carlson?)
35. Did they just find out themselves? (Wait and see)
36. What do we really know about Paddock and his family? (Why are you telling us, you're the pundit/reporter)
37. Was his brother's arrest on child porn charges related to this case? (As long as you're stretching, you can tell us)
38. How many family members does he have exactly? (Carlson doesn't know this why?)
39. Was he in regular contact with them? (ZZZZ)
40. Do they have any reason to believe he was planning an attack? (ask them yourself)
41. Where's his girlfriend? (Probably hiding from the press; smart girl)

He then goes on to say he's not going to speculate about the shooting and claims there is lying and incompetence, not understanding that it is himself.

Edited to change date from 2018 to 2017.


Another case for me to study?

Maybe later.

HOWEVER, the FBI did drop the ball on this case.

They dropped it.
Crushed it and tossed it into the trashcan.



too bad you couldn't come up with more on cnn and bsnbc. even when dems say that they lie but you still can't trust them.


This would not be the right place to post it. This is about Carlson.


Funny stuff ranb. Look at this shiny object in my left hand. Too bad you just copied and pasted something from media matters. Just a dumb list of questions that nobody cares about. Nor does it make any sense.


I did not copy or paste anything. I listen to his stupid program and typed what I heard and added my comments.

What parts do not make any sense in your opinion? If it is Carlson's words, then you are right, the turd does not make much sense at all.

Did I misquote Carlson? Do you disagree with my comments?


A TV show host isn't reliable. Shocking


Isn't it? Tucker Carlson is siding with Russia instead of the USA. Carlson lies by omission when he says that Putin has done nothing to make Americans hate him.

Yes, Carlson thinks that Americans, especially Republicans, are that stupid.
