MovieChat Forums > The Shape of Water (2017) Discussion > Does this movie promote beastiality?

Does this movie promote beastiality?

Seriously, what the hell is this crap?


Look, if you actually watched the film, you'll be pleasantly surprised with the way Guillermo Del Toro tastefully handles the material with a twenty minute full penetration unsimulated sex scene along with a speech he gives to the viewer directly after the credits in which he shares such gems as:

"Bestiality is not only right, it's necessary," "Kurt Angle was right," and "Why else do you think I dropped out of directing the Hobbit trilogy? I was too busy herding up them sweet-ass New Zealand sheep!"

Makes you really think about why it was nominated for so many Oscars in the first place.


I just hope the rumours aren’t true of Del Toro's remake of Gorillas in the mist!


I'd actually like to see a mashup of of "Aliens" and "Gorillas in the Mist" called "Aliens in the Music". I'd give Sigourney Weaver a part in the film just so she could say the line: "Get off my mountain... YOU BITCH!"


I believe Amphibian Man is intelligent enough to consent.


It does not matter if it can consent or not. If its a non human animal its still beastiality. Biologically incompatible, incompatible genitalia, exchange of zoonotic diseases, the fact that they might end up destroying each other due to their different physiology. It just does not work. Not to mention the psychological side of this.


Yup this is true. You have to assume amphibian man shares 99.999999% of his genetic code with a human to make it somewhat legit, which the movie doesn't cover.

Great soundtrack though.


I dont think that's how biology works. Only species that are part of the same genus can crossbreed and mate. A good example would be Columbian Mammoths and Woolly Mammoths. But the Amphibian man in the other hand is not even a mammal.


It could have been enough for suspension of disbelief though.




I think the idea is just to retell (cough-ripoff-cough) the beauty and the beast story in a different setting. The big problem I had with it, like you have pointed out, is that the love story is borderline bestiality: he doesn't speak at all, but he's not mute, he doesn't communicate intelligently in any way.
At least not on a human level of expression. My dog communicates better than him, and I wouldn't f*** her even if she's super cute!
He copies her gestures, doesn't form sentences and behaves like a wild beast from start to finish.
So, yeah, since he's lowered to a beast level, it's a magical romantic story of bestiality.


I watched for 30 mins and bailed out.


It does not matter if it can consent or not. If its a non human animal its still beastiality. Biologically incompatible, incompatible genitalia, exchange of zoonotic diseases, the fact that they might end up destroying each other due to their different physiology. It just does not work. Not to mention the psychological side of this.


She is in search of the new AIDS or Sars Covid by means of fucking. Great message.




It does not matter if it can consent or not. If its a non human animal its still beastiality. Biologically incompatible, incompatible genitalia, exchange of zoonotic diseases, the fact that they might end up destroying each other due to their different physiology. It just does not work. Not to mention the psychological side of this.


Yes, this film promotes getting it on with alien fish creatures. So if you ever wake up next to one you know who to blame!


Yep! Sho nuff! It not only promotes it, it glorifies it. Disgusting!



Do you watch films or play video games with half elves?


No, I don't even know what that is. Old Skol, sheltered life.



Old Skol? Are you from Scandinavia or Minnesota?


Ironically enough, according to a DNA Test from, the largest part of my DNA, 33%, comes from Scandinavia. After that it's 22% Italy/Greece, 20% Great Britain, 13% Western Europe, and 10% Ireland.

And I've been to Minnesota, and I enjoyed Fargo (movie and TV).



Elisa may look human, but she's not human. She was born with gills, probably underwater, and left on the riverbank as a baby.

So she may even be the female version of the exact same species as the amphibious man.[/spoiler]






