All the crying

I just watched the last episode the other day, and I realized (although someone might have mantioned it before) that Michael is crying or dramatically whispering (sorry don’t know how to exactly describe her way of talking) in almost every episode. I started to concentrate too much on it that it started to annoy me more and more. In the end I fell asleep, but even in my half asleep state I think I heard her sobbing with her mother.

Just now before commenting here I went to IMDB reviews and the most recent one is about crying, but not just Michael, all of them are crying all the time. Glad to see there are more people complaining about it. 🤣

tddiscodriver wrote:
“Every episode or what seems like every episode someone is crying, and its usually Michael but not always, you just want to slap them across the face and tell them to “put themselves together” jezus what a bunch of cry babies. So Starfleet doesn’t do emotional evaluations on their staff because the slightest upset these guys brake down into a blubbering mess, its tiring. Have your emotional breakdowns after the event and in private please
Enough waterworks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”

My thoughts exactly! And I was just starting to think it was getting a bit better (minus Adira + Gray), there were one or two episodes since they’ve found Starfleet HQ that felt a bit more Star Trek and episodic, like they had some assingment to do on a different planet/space station. It kind of reminded me of the old Star Trek, I like the episodic format.

I don’t know how much longer I’m gonna stick with this show. It’s always been meh, but I sticked with it only because it is Star Trek. I’m starting to lose interest more and more, they annoy me more and more, although I tried to convince myself to be more tolerant of some actors/characters, I just can’t do it.



Let me put it this way, how many times in the original series or next generation did you see the main characters cry?


I don’t remember, if I don’t remember it probably was sporadic or I’m misremembering. I didn’t watch all off the Original Series, I don’t remember any crying there especially not from the crew.

TNG, on top of my head, maybe Troi when she was having a meltdown. Can’t think of the other times, will need to check somewhere.

This feel like almost every episode.

So, you are saying there is normal amount of crying in Discovery and it corresponds to other shows?

Edit: Picard maybe cried when he was interrogated and tortured by Cardassians and when he was on that planet playing a flute. Not sure, I don’t remember exactly.


The old series were catering to a certain audience, thus not a lot of crying. However, today's Star Trek is catering to a far different audience, an audience that empathizes with crying. Also, this show is shown on subscription based CBS All Access. Who do you think is the main consumer purchaser of All Access?


Yeah, was thinking about the original series that they probably would never show Kirk cry, it was the 60s, it was unmanly to cry and show weakness at the time.

I mean, I didn’t say that I mind crying and that there should not be any, now and then if it fits the story and character arc I say why not, but in this show it seems like it is a constant.

To be honest I have no idea who is the main subscriber of CBS All Access as I am not from the States and watch the show on Netflix. I’m interested to know though.


Women here in the U.S. are gaining in the job market more and more each day. Advertisers/entertainment companies notice this so they cater the new shows women, because they have more disposable income than men.


Good for women but I would find it patronizing.

I am saying this as a woman, I don’t need catering to in such a way.

I mean, I was never that much of a chick flick fan, but I did watch my share of women oriented shows like Sex and the City, etc.

I like to watch dramas, and I tend to cry at everything but mostly at old people and animals.

That being said I don’t need that crap in Sci Fi. I think especially it is not needed in Star Trek as it was never just action oriented but it was also character driven, I think the old shows had a good balance to appeal to both genders.

But I never was that much of a “girly girl”, so I can’t say what all women want in their shows. Still I think women are diverse bunch, as any people, we have different likes and dislikes. Not all of us need to cry and talk about our feelings all the time. 😂


I'll just say this; you can tell what people here in America believe by watching the TV shows and commercials, because it's ALL about going after the consumers with disposable income. If a certain demographic is CONSTANTLY on Facebook groups that feed them constant info on LGBT, BLM, etc.

I know people that are on Facebook over 12 hours a day, never stopping, even at work, when they go to the bathroom, when they eat, when they drive their car, get home, watch TV, go to sleep.

These Facebook addicted people are exactly the demographic the advertisers are going after. And yes, people here in the U.S. are probably stupid enough to actually LIKE all the crying in Star Trek.


You’re on to something, and don’t forget Instagram. I guess social media in general.

I have yet to see that documentary The Social Dilemma on Netflix. It looks interesting.


Yes, these people have decent jobs, have disposable income, totally addicted to Facebook/Twitter/Instagram etc. and probably love paying for and watching stuff like ST: Discovery.
When I had my surgery a couple of years this nurse told me she goes to the movies almost every week. I just think "well, that was me 25 years ago, I bet all those movies catered to young men like, all these movies simply cater to young women like this nurse".


Who do you think is the main consumer purchaser of All Access?

Big, fat crybabies?


I think Spock cried once when his human emotions came to the surface for some reason during an episode of the original series. I don't remember how he pulled out of it. Maybe McCoy backhanded him a couple of times.


The only crying I can remember in TOS is Spock shedding a few tears once over something, and Nurse Chapel crying over Spock in The Naked Time.


Spock cried in The Naked Time, or tried to. Nurse Chapel cried in Amok Time. Wasn't there a woman who cried and when Kirk touched her tears it made her irresistible to her? But crying wasn't normal on TOS. Which is a good thing.


I knew Chapel sobbed somewhere in there. And I could be wrong (again) but I think the woman you mention was the chick in Elaan of Troyius. She had tears to made dudes weak.....I think. I'm too lazy to look it up.


you are correct. but the target are the woke individuals - "connect with your feelings, bla bla".

oh well ... these are the times, quite shitty.


my thoughts exactly.


I break down sobbing whenever I watch this trash.

STD has nothing to do with Star Trek. It is an imposter. It is a charade. It is a steaming turd.


I want Kahn to walk into the scene and kick everybody's ass, with an arrogant smirk on his face.


STD has nothing to do with Star Trek

I don't know if that's true. I'm sure Kirk picked up his share in the original series.


I don't know whose decision it was to make the main character whisper at least 75% of her lines, but that person should be fired. If it was the actress herself that thought it would make her character distinctive or something, the directors should be fired for not telling her to cut the crap and speak like a normal human being.


I know, right?! 😂 I called it “dramatic whispering”.


apparently this season will end with a 'cry off' between Burnham and one of the others.. whoever cries the longest and hardest wins


This is the best comment! 😂👏👏

EDIT: We all know who will win that one. No contest! 😭🤣


last episode and suprise surprise! who cries like a lil bitch at least on 3 occasions?


Haven’t seen it yet. No spoilers please. 😂😂


One more thing about the crying: the writers seem to have forgotten that "Michael" Burnham was raised in Vulcan and at the beginning of the series she considered herself a Vulcan and acted accordingly - meaning, she kept her emotions firmly in check. If I cared enough about Discovery I would go back and re-watch the earlier episodes to see how she "evolved", but I don't so I won't.


Yeah, you’ve got a point. I totally forgot about that.

You can see my mock theory on that just below where I replied to asom.

But speaking of “evolving”. I’m not sure she did, I feel like she was teary eyed from the beginning, if not that, at least looking dejected from the beginning.

I might be wrong, but I also don’t feel like checking.


Even worse: wasn't she raised by the emotionless vulcans???


Indeed! That point was made just two days ago by JepGambardella. You can see it, it’s just above your comment. :)

My take: maybe now all of her pent-up feelings got released and now she can’t stop the waterworks. Because she is a Human and not a Vulcan after all, she could keep her feeling subdued for only so long. And now the floodgates are open. 😭


Yeah, i was too lazy to read the whole page, my bad :D

Emotions are just social constructs (sic) and she was raised with none.
